Last Sunday morning I spent some time putting pen to paper and writing down every single thing that I want to focus on in 2015 [for like the first ten days, you know]. I love new beginnings, fresh starts, and times of reflection to look back and think about what is working and what isn’t working. 2014 was one of, if not, the best year of my life [more on that in my year in review post coming soon]. While it definitely provided its fair share of good times, new relationships, fun and “how is this my life?!” opportunities, it also made me a little unfocused, wasteful, and a little too comfortable so to speak. Ultimately in 2015 I want to tighten the reigns a little – to continue to have fun, say yes whenever possible, never stop saying YOLO, etc … but perhaps be a little more intentional and focused on more than what’s happening just two hours in advance. Here’s what I came up with.
1. Stop wasting time
This previous year I granted myself
a lot of free time, as in too much free time. I’ve learned over the last year that the more time I give myself to get something done, the less likely it is to ever get done. I want to really hone in on my efficiency, do more in less time, and not just let days on days pass by where I re-write the same to-do list six days over in a row. Along with this I hope to get a handle on my personal email [and do something crazy like respond to them!], attend church regularly and not allow the excuse of “but I really just love mornings at home” get in the way every single week, if I’m feeling overzealous spend 30 minutes working out instead of laying on the couch, and ultimately – be present wherever I am. I guess that one is kinda important too. #butiloveinstagram
2. Stop wasting money
As much as I wish I could say I didn’t do this in 2014, I did. A lot of it. I’m not sure if I should blame it on the whole new house – new decorating thing or my clothing addiction or the fact that Target is just way too close to my house but whatever it is, it’s gotta stop. In order to do this, I have opted to give myself a monthly allowance [or maybe my husband opted for this] and communicate with him before making larger purchases [you can only hide things in the closet for so long before he finds it]. Another big thing that should help with this is to meal plan and only go grocery shopping once a week. You see, when you move within one mile of a grocery store it becomes very easy to just stop in every day for that evening’s dinner. $40 later every single day doesn’t really do much for your bank account. I also hope to learn the difference between wants and needs as I have blurred the lines a little too Robin Thicke-ish this year. This morning I turned all of my hangers the same direction — after I wear something I will turn the hanger the opposite direction. Next year at this time I should be able to look at my closet and see exactly what I didn’t wear all year so I know it needs to go without any of that “buuuuuuuut I think I might want to wear that soon!” ish. I’m hoping this also makes me more creative with what I have as I try to wear as much as possible.
3. Stop being comfortable
I would like to think that I stretch myself quite a bit, but really I think I just wear stretchy pants quite a bit. Supposedly there’s a difference. The other night it dawned on me that I should take a hip hop dance class because I think it would be really fun to actually know how to dance and not just awkwardly move your body to what you think is the beat. That little self conscious voice of mine started to say “but you would have no idea what you are doing!” and then the YOLO voice inside of me was all “but who cares?! it would be so much fun and you only have one life..why not spend it dancing?!” Other than this little goal, I would like to learn how to use a camera better, and perhaps start a new business venture. Whatever it takes to get me out of my comfort zone, I want to go there.
And so there we have it — 2015, the year of stopping everything I’ve been doing. Should be a real blast 😉
Cheers to whatever it is you want out of the next year of your life and here’s to hoping we all actually remember whatever that was on February 1st.