I know what I’m about to say is going to shock a lot of people. I’ve been debating back and forth if I should come clean and go public with it…after much mental agony I’ve decided I feel comfortable enough sharing my secret. I like wine.
So that was a lie.
I love wine. You know why I love wine? Because it loves me back (mostly). By the end of most days that end in Y, I am ready to have a few minutes to sit, do nothing, and have a glass. It’s typically after three sips that I start to forget why I have wrinkles in my forehead and tension in my neck and all is suddenly well in the world. Again, mostly.
Fortunately, I am not the only one who likes to unwined once in awhile. I know this only because there is a whole freaking day dedicated to my favorite kind of wine, Moscato. You know all these soon to be national holidays that keep popping up (and that I keep praying we get off work for)? Well, May 9th is my favorite one of them alll — National Moscato Day. The night before leaving for Arizona I was all like “But hunny! National Moscato Day is coming up! WE HAVE TO DRINK SOME!” And so then Shawn was all like “Okay we can, but what explains the other 364 days that you HAVE TO DRINK SOME”? And then at that point I handed him the lighter, pointed him towards the direction of the grill, and told him to get his judgemental attidude outside and grill some steaks to go with my hobby. And so that’s what we did. We had ourselves a nice little moscato loving date.

So here’s some news for you wine stupid people (I’m right there with you). There are three different kinds of Moscato (I KNOW. WHAT!) I always thought it had to be white. Not being prejudiced against the reds of the world but for whatever reason that’s just how my brain operated. Well guess what party people? There are several types of Moscato starting of course with the traditional white which is full of fruit flavors. And then we have my new favorite, Red Moscato which is a medium bodied wine. Last but not least we have our Pink Moscato which has a rose tint to it. Just an FYI on this one but I have tried many of wines and Gallo is certainly one of (if not my absolute) favorites.
You wanna know what a happy evening looks like at home?
Happy wife, happy life. And there you have it friends.
In honor of National Moscato Day [May 9th, don’t forget] Gallo Family Vineyards is hosting a #MoscatoDay Twitter party at 9 am ET/12 pm PT. Just follow the #MoscatoDay hashtag and participate with @GalloFamily for your chance to win all sorts of gift cards and goodies by participating. RSVP here.
What’s your favorite type of Moscato and how will you be celebrating!?