Welcome back party people (I’m mostly talking to you dad) – I don’t know about you but this girl is tired. Arizona was as amazing as I was expecting it to be because who ever expects sunshine, cocktails, and time around a pool to be miserable? The conference was pretty good too 😉 While I am settling back into reality, it’s time to introduce this months
Love, Yellow items. Just like every other month, I am truly excited about this months offerings and hope with all of my hoping might that you feel the same way.
You know what’s never boring? Bright pink blazers. So that’s what we decided on….
This blazer has a great texture to it and is light weight which is perfect for the Spring and Summer seasons. It’s also great for both work and play and black or white pants. We call this versatile and last time I checked versatile is a very good thing to be.
Recently I have been on the hunt for the perfect necklace to wear with blazers and BAM, I found it. This bedazzled “Y” necklace is the ultimate accessory for any jacket. Because we couldn’t decide if we liked it in gold or silver better, we thought we would let you choose! This month you are able to purchase either color, liberating I know. YOU CAN NOW TAKE ON THE WORLD.
Some other good news you may want to know — this month we are offering free shipping on all US orders so salsa dancer and confetti horn emoticon it up like crazy.
Want the rest of the details on how to order? You’ve come to the right spot….
1. Pricing is easy–it’s $42 for both pieces (blazer and necklace) and this month we are offering free shipping on US orders! Meant to be worn together as an outfit, or great separate as well!
2. As far as sizing goes,
you can view the size chart here. I am typically a size small and am wearing a size small in this tank. Amy is typically a size medium and is wearing a medium.
4. Your order will be shipped within three business days.
5. Remember that if you receive the items and aren’t happy with your order, you can ship all or part of it back! Instructions will be included in your order.
6. Spread the word about your Love, Yellow items! Tweet, Instagram, put it up on a billboard, whatever you feel is necessary 😉 Please use the #LoveYellowLook hashtag so that I can be sure to send a thousand kissy faces your way for doing so!