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How I Use Essential Oils In My Everyday Life

January 20, 2015


Erin Schrader

I have been meaning to write this post since last Summer. Here we are seven months later and I am finally getting to it – take that procrastination. I’m sure you have all seen by now the oil craze that ladies are obsessing over on Facebook, Instagram, your office place, etc. Because I have always been 47% hippie it didn’t take me long to buy in to the belief that these oils people rant about really are awesome. Ever since I have been able to consciously choose for myself medicine vs a more natural method I have chosen a more natural method. Now, I am not here to say that medicines aren’t great, because they are and I will use them if necessary, however I do believe there are sometimes alternate options to getting rid of cramps rather than loading up on 8 ibuprofen.

I thought it would be fun to share with you the different ways that I use oils in my day to day life and what I have found works well for me. Keep in mind that everybody [and body] is different so what may work well for me may not for you and vice versa. Also keep in mind that this is not a sponsored post nor do I sell oils [unless you want to buy them in which case I am happy to sell them to you] but I just sincerely use and love these products so it only makes sense to tell you about them!

Oh and real quick before we begin – the oils that I am showing off today are all Young Living which are the oils I primarily choose to use. I have also used Now Foods oils, however I like Young Living the best as you can safely ingest them and they seem to be the most heavily concentrated oils on the market meaning you can less which will make them last longer [and save you additional money]. Holler back. Lets begin.

1. Peppermint — if I could choose only one oil to ever have it would most likely be this one. I use it always – on my temples for headaches, on my stomach and back for cramps, behind my ears for sinuses, or I simply inhale to clear me right up. I do not use a carrier oil [a lot of people recommend coconut oil] but rather just put it directly on my skin where I never it to be. It has cut back on the amount of advil I take by a ton, especially during that time of the month. I also use peppermint in my diffuser during the day to wake me up. Just last night my husband actually put peppermint oil in our humidifier to make the house smell fresh. There are so many things you can do with this oil.

2. Lavender — another favorite of mine. The most common use for lavender in our household is at night in the diffuser. It makes my husband and I fall asleep rather instantly and I have noticed that since using it I wake up feeling more refreshed because of the deep sleep I got. I have also started using Lavender on my face at night which not only makes my skin feel great but it also helps clear up my sinus areas. Other purposes have been in the Summer after getting sun burnt I have put this on and also on cuts to help heal it faster. Last but not least, I put lavender on my wrists and neck when flying and it helps calm me down because Lord knows I need it.

3. Thieves — the oil of all oils. Thieves kills 99.9% of air born bacteria [or something like that] which would explain why many hospitals now use Thieves in their buildings. Other than this past week when I got the flu along with everybody and their mom, I haven’t gotten seriously sick since using Thieves. I put this in my mouth regularly whenever I am starting to feel a sore throat come on and immediately it’s gone. I put this on the bottom of my feet to help me feel better sooner and I diffuse it in our house to help keep the germs away. This baby has been on blast since getting sick this past week. A lot of people clean with Thieves oil as well.

4. Purification — the freshening oil. This stuff has a way of getting rid of orders like nobodies business. The two ways I use it are simply diffusing it in our house and using it in our laundry to make our clothes smell fresh. I squirt a few drops onto a damp wash cloth and throw it in with clothes in the dryer. They come out smelling fabulous and contains way less chemicals than dryer sheets.

5. Peace and calming — another favorite. This is the oil that made my husband a believer. I tested it out on my dog during a storm this past Summer. She was all sorts of worked up, shaking like crazy, hiding under the couch etc. I simply rubbed a few drops onto her fur and within minutes she was calmer than ever laying peacefully on the ground and fell asleep. I use this on my wrists and neck whenever feeling anxious or stressed. It has a way of just calming me right down…which brings me to my next favorite…

6. Stress away — the martini in a bottle. I rub this stuff on my wrists regularly on days when I am feeling a little more uptight or uneasy. Literally it makes me feel like I have had a cocktail [but saves me the calories]. As you can see in the pictures above this bottle goes everywhere with me and has the teeth marks to prove how desperate I have needed it on some days 😉

7. Lemon — the detox oil. I love this stuff because not only can you clean with it, diffuse it and make your house smell great, rub it on your throat to make it not so scratchy, use it to get sticky stuff off of things, but you can also add it to your water and have the best natural cleansing drink out there.

I am drinking this as we speak. This stuff will make you go to the bathroom faster than those little laxatives which for people like me, is great. It’s good for your system and tastes so fresh and so clean clean.

Those are my most commonly used oils — others I use occasionally are lemongrass and lemon myrtle [both for smell good purposes], cedarwood [for sleeping], breathe again [for sinus issues], and orange and grapefruit [drink both in my water].

I would love to hear what oils you use and how you use them. If any of you would like to receive more information on how you could order your own oils just click here. Either myself or a good friend of mine will be in touch.

Any questions? Feel free to ask below. xoxo

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