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The Best of Living In Yellow

August 12, 2019


Every once in awhile I like to lose myself in my own blog. The thing with writing often is that you show up [more days than not], hit publish on a piece of content and then move on to the next thing, never really taking the time to enjoy what it was you just put out for the world to read. Sometimes I find myself going back a year or two [or eight] to find something that I once wrote and it takes me down a rabbit hole of what I like to consider “the good ole days”. If you’re newer around here, I feel like you don’t know the true LIY. The Living in Yellow that started in 2011 by a girl who showed up every.single.night to write about the most random things she could think of. This resulted in a lot of off the wall awkwardness, moments of vulnerability and a lot more creativity than my brain and fingers seem to pump out these days.

I thought it’d be fun to dig through the archives and bring you my favorite blog posts that I’ve ever written along with the most read blog posts by LIY readers. Whether you’ve been around here since 2011 [thank you, I am so grateful] or are showing up for the first time today [I can’t wait to get to know you!], let this be a brief little guide to the snippets of content here at LIY – from life to home, beauty, travel and more.

Presenting…the best of LIY:

Life Posts

When Your Husband Won’t Tell You You’re Beautiful– I wrote this post in 2013 and it still remains at the top of the charts on a yearly basis. If you often feel like you and your spouse show and speak your love differently, this may be a good post for you to read. It’s one that I like to refer back to occasionally to remind myself that just because Shawn may not tell me the words I’d love to hear [but rather takes the trash out, empties the dishwasher, etc] it doesn’t mean he doesn’t love me.

Why I Didn’t Attend College And My Thoughts On It Now – This was another popular one with the audience and one that I like reading every so often. My career path was a little unordinary and college was never a consideration in all of it. Did I regret it? Read this post to find out.

It’s Secret Time [Anxiety & Panic Disorder] – Five months into starting this blog, I decided to get vulnerable for a minute and come clean about my struggles with anxiety and panic attacks. It’s been a part of my life off and on since I can remember and as much as I hate it, it also brought me a huge community of women who said “I understand, I deal with it too.” It was the first time in my blogging journey that I felt the power and love of the internet in such a real way. Then in 2013 I talked about it again as I was struggling and the flood of support came again. If you’re dealing with anxiety or panic disorder, these two reads may bring you a small amount of comfort that I’m here with you, understanding, feeling and knowing exactly what you’re going through.

Be still and know [the story of my tattoo] – I often get asked about what my tattoo is and what it means. Well friends, the answer awaits you in this post.

My thoughts on life and death and life after death – I don’t talk about faith a lot on the blog, but in this particular post I opened up on my thoughts around this topic after a local tragedy took place. It’s one of those posts I don’t think I’ve ever read since I’ve hit publish because I know it would make me emotional.

Pros and Cons of Living Your Life Online – I just re-read this post I wrote two years ago and I still agree with every point I made. Having blogging be a career is amazing and it’s also hard. If you’re curious how I feel about blogging as a career, this blog post will give you a lot of insight on this topic.

Home Projects and Decor

Master Bedroom Makeover – The internet seemed to take a liking to us re-doing our master bedroom from what appeared to be a teenagers room to an adult sanctuary [ish].

Cabin Master Bedroom Makeover – Speaking of master bedrooms, another hit on the blog was when we re-did our bedroom at the log cabin. Apparently I need to redo bedrooms more often.

Kitchen Before & After Reveal – After we moved into our home on the river, we literally changed every single thing in the home [I truly don’t think anything is original at this point] and the first major project was the kitchen. I’m still so proud of what Shawn and I did with this home and still love it oh so much.

Christmas Home Tour – One of my favorite posts to put together every winter, our Christmas home post always makes me happy mostly because of the twinkling lights and cozy feels. I know we’re a little out of season to appreciate this right now, but come back in December and maybe you’ll be into it 😉


Royal Caribbean Cruise Recap – This vacation was so fun for me to cover and the LIY Tribe really took an interest in following along on the trip. I had so many requests for a full blog post on it and so that is what this post is. If you’re considering cruising, you may want to read this first.

St Maarten Guide – Another favorite vacation of Shawn and mine. We traveled to St Maarten in 2017 and I brought all of the details of our trip in this blog post.

Iceland Guide– Last fall we went to Iceland for what was one of my favorite vacations to date. If you’re considering going [hint: you should] this post will help on where to stay, what to do, where to eat, etc.


Cowboy Crack Chip Dip – It’s actually quite comical to me that this has been the most popular recipe on the blog, mostly because I took cold dip out of the refrigerator, didn’t even warm it up and slapped it into a plastic bowl and then photographed it. I promise you it tastes better than it looks. A major food blog picked up this recipe from our site and it still gets a lot of traffic because of that.

My Favorite Cookie Recipe – Friends, I’m telling you, if you make one thing from this blog please let it be this. I typically make them with chocolate chips, but for Valentine’s Day I had switched things up a bit as you’ll see. Stick with the chocolate chips and prepare yourself for the softest, most delicious cookies ever.

Best Ever Chili – Another staple in our household come fall. If you like chili, I have a feeling you’ll like this one.

Fashion & Products

Amazon Roundups – Literally every month our top blog post is our Team LIY Amazon Roundup. It turns out you guys are all intrigued by Amazon and like seeing what we’re loving from there. It’s a good thing we don’t plan on stopping these any time soon [aka never].

Leggings Comparison Guide – You read it right, a complete guide on the best of the best leggings. We took a lot of the top rated brands of leggings and compared them next to each other to bring you our favorites. If you’re a lover of leggings, this blog post is worth a look.

20+ Vacation Outfits – It appears I’m not the only one who loves to travel to warm places and then pack accordingly. After our cruise this spring I put together this roundup of 20+ vacation outfits that you all loved. Still worth checking out as many of the items are still in stock!

White Jeans Comparison – White jeans are hard, we get it. In this blog post we took several pairs and rated them to determine the pair[s] we found worth the buy.


Mascara Comparison – As you may have noticed by now, our comparison posts do quite well around here. In this post, we tackle finding the best mascaras on the market. Which ones flake, add volume, last all day, etc. Need a new mascara? This blog post is for you.

Sunless Tanner Comparison & Guide – Oh sunless tanner, I was so afraid of you before the making of this post. The LIY Team tried several sunless tanners and brought our results here on which ones we’d recommend and which ones we’d run from!

Hair Dryer Comparison – Drying your hair can blow. Literally and figuratively. This post is here to help. If you’re looking for a new hair dryer, we give our input on the ones worth putting your dollars behind and ones that will most likely end up in your trash can sooner than later.

And just like that, we’ve reached the end of the Best of LIY! I hope this post was fun for you to jump around to different posts and read some old content for the first time. Do you have an all-time favorite blog post I’ve published? I’d love to hear about it in the comments! Thank you for allowing Living in Yellow to stick around for so long — I am so excited for what the next 8 years together will bring!

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