Tuesday’s happen to be my favorite day of the week – mostly because I leave work at 1 pm and am home online shopping [I mean working on the computer, doing laundry and definitely NOT enjoying a glass of wine] by 2. Also because that means Monday is over and Friday is kinda sorta, well not really, but a tiny bit closer to almost here. The only real bummer about Tuesday’s is that typically it’s a day my husband expects me to get active in that whole D department. I’m talking about dinner people. What other D word would you think when referring to my husband? Oh right, dinosaur hunting.
I just made that up. My husband doesn’t dinosaur hunt. Just thought I should clarify because I’ve heard that’s quite an active and relevant hobby most men are into these days.
Anyhow, do I have anything of great substance to talk about today you ask? Do bears crap in the woods? Of course I do. I’m just trying to figure out what it is yet…
Lets start with what I’m currently doing. Nothing.
See, that was fun! Lets keep going.. Oh wait I know. Can we talk about washing windows for a second? Certainly none of you do that right? Have I ever told you how my mother washes her windows nearly every other day both inside and out and I’m not exaggerating even the tiniest bit over here. Regardless, my husband is currently on a kick that we need to wash our windows this week. I’m utterly confused about the whole situation. Wash them with what?!?!? And how? Better yet why? Isn’t that what rain is for? He’s trying to age us and I’m not happy about it. Forever 21 baby.
Do people my age still fit into their clothes? Moving on.
Yes, I have random photos of myself wearing a dress in this post that has nothing to do with the words I’m typing. It’s a common practice I’m referring to as “lifestyle blogger disguised as a fashion blogger disguised as a lifestyle blogger” On Instagram I’m trying to be a fashion blogger but then I look at “real” fashion bloggers IG accounts and they all say “fashion blogger” and I’m all “living life one bowl of mac and cheese at a time” so I just don’t really know what’s going on anymore.