I wasn’t planning on showing up to my blogger account today, however it occurred to me that every minute writing a blog post is a minute spent not packing. This whole packing thing is a little sad to me. And it’s not because I’m not excited about the next house, but because I really enjoyed this house and all of the memories made in it. I’ll never forget sitting outside by the fireplace Shawn and I built with friends drinking wine in the Summer
I feel as though this is going to be the last one of these days in quite awhile. Between moving into a new house, going to California (twice), Louisville, Nashville, and Florida (twice) all before December, things are about to get a little insane. It should also be noted that I have not been sleeping at night due to my first flying alone experience so that’s awesome. I know that most likely sounds foolish and silly to the majority of you, however for those of us who are panic attack ridden [especially on airplanes], a four and a half hour flight alone does not sound all that appealing. Like at all. I keep trying not to cry when thinking about it but every time I do a little part of me wants to bawl like a baby. One would think I am 7, not 28, but here I am. You better believe I am going to be that girl walking onto the plane with plastic bags full of mini bottles of every type of alcohol, lavender oil, and pills.