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My Take On 2013

December 30, 2012


Erin Schrader


and yes–this is my new life approach

The obligatory resolutions post…we meet again.
I’ve been thinking about this whole new year quite a bit over the past several days. I am a sucker for new beginnings, clean slates, and dreaming up a million and ten things that I should implement for the coming year, but know that there is really no point because none of which will actually come into fruition (proof: see last years resolutions. the only ones I succeeded in were numbers 4, 5, and 12. Number 12 consisted of taking more baths and buying an iPhone. An incredible feat if I don’t say so myself).

Last years resolutions taught me quite a bit.
If I create little ideas of what I would like to do more of (instead of ridiculous ideas like working out or limiting my meat intake…) I am much more likely to succeed. And life is all about winning people.
So for this year–I’m taking more of the “enhance” approach.
Taking what I am already doing–but tweaking it just slightly to hopefully have a more fulfilled, more amazeballs life. A few things on my brain for the coming new year include, but are not limited to:

-Make sure my time is being spent either surrounded by awesome people or in sweatpants. A combination of the two would really be preferred. A prime example of this can be found here.
-Eat more apple slices while drinking hot chocolate.

-Stop spending so much time on mind numbing activities and rather focus on tasks that are opportunity yielding. For example–maybe take the hour(s) in the evening I spend on Instagram and read a book or something crazy like that.

-Go out for mid-day drinks and appetizers on the reg
you may think this is water but you may also be wrong..very wrong.

-Be apart of a flash mob danggit.

-Hey I know!! Don’t get 275 emails behind!!

-Make out more (this goes back to the whole gravitating my time away from mind numbing activities and focusing on opportunity yielding items…think of all the opportunities this simple little task could lead to!)

-Live more by my favorite made-up motto: If you aren’t embarrassing yourself even a little bit, you probably aren’t having fun.
-Reteach my mind how to pray. I currently suck in this department thanks to a little thing I like to call ADD. More commonly known as “my brain is used to scrolling through Twitter at the rate of 384738473873 milliseconds per hour and now you expect it to slow down and focus on one thing all while having my eyes closed?!”

-Create the most incredible mac and cheese recipe ever. And I mean ever.

-Give more of me away. Not in a prostitute type of way, but in a giving/loving type of way. Not that prostitutes aren’t giving and loving, but you know what I mean…I hope.
-Live with intention and never forget that I am here to make a positive difference (and to do the cupid shuffle at all necessary times, but that’s besides the point).

So that’s that.
Those are my “goals” for 2013.
Mentally I have probably twenty-eight more but for all practical blog purposes, that is what you are getting today. I should mention I have a few “blog specific” plans for 2013 and now would be the appropriate time to share those as well. It’s a little thing I like to call simplify.

-Reduce the number of ad sizes/options I allow. Things got to be WAY too complicated around these parts peeps. Complication doesn’t sit well with this stomach of mine. Moving forward this blog will have 2 options and 2 options only for sponsorship. Why only two? Because I believe wholeheartedly in only offering what I believe truly yields results. Here’s what I’ve come up with:

For either option you may email me at livinginyellow@gmail.com to book your spot.

I am old fashioned and prefer this method.
Sorry to all who prefer to checkout without having to interact with me, I ain’t havin’ it.
I kinda like talking to your pretty little faces, so there we have it.

By cutting down my options to the above, it allows me to spend more time on my new favorite baby of blogging—consulting. I had my first session with this beauty and there is no doubt in my mind that consulting is where my heart is. If interested, here are those options again. Ohhhhh the fun it is.
My other hope with all of this is that it will allow me to refocus on producing quality (read: ridiculous) content for this blog. On top of that, I really, really, really want to be able to invest more time on writing that eBook that I once announced I was writing and haven’t started yet.

Annnnnd on that note, this post is way too incredibly long.

Cheers to an amazefest 2013.

Let’s make it a good one kids.


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