I am asking myself this question as we speak–“Why is every weekend not three days?”
Two days just is not enough.
But three–perfect.
Which is exactly what this weekend was. Perfect.
And because my brain is not back in blogging mode, I am leaving you with pictures instead of words. You should be able to gather that 99% of my time was spent either at the lake, by a fire, or making sweet music videos. As for the other 1%, I was sleeping. And eating. I take that back, 99% of the time I was eating. The other 1% is everything else I just listed. I am hoping my brain will return by tomorrow. I wouldn’t count on it.

Okay I lied. Aside from eating, lounging at the lake, sleeping, and being by a fire..I also stood in front of gigantic fans at Lowes. There is no better feelin’ than getting blown ya heard? By fans people.

Best thing you did this weekend–tell me.
I am off to drown myself in homemade chocolate chip cookies, moscato, and the bachelorette.
All while hoping my fingers “accidentally” click purchase for this and this.
I am counting on you fingers.