I was a hot mess yesterday.
Before you go getting all “Ewww gross, I don’t want to think about that” on me—
hear me out.
It’s because I worked out people.
As in ran on the treadmill in what seemed to be 80 degrees at waaaaay too intense of an incline.
Whoa, I know.
So I had something really funny written here.
We are talking funnnnnnyyy.
And my husband deleted it.
Now would be the appropriate time to throw eggs at your computer screen.
Sticking with the tradition from Thanksgiving, I am going to list a few lessons learned.
Only this time–Valentines Day style.
1. You ever want to feel like one of those
3. Speaking of cards—be with somebody who makes you laugh.
4. Valentines Day equals Romance.
Lesson learned.
demand that you get your picture taken with it IMMEDIATELY.
This is what I tried to do but the rest of my company said “Oh lets just wait til after we eat…”
So we waited. And the entire time my insides were squirming with excitement.
Well what do you know—we are done eating and that stupid cow was nowhere to be found.
7. When asking the hostess where that cow wandered off to, don’t ask
“Is the chicken still around?!”
You will get a response like “Chicken?!?” And then you will have to say
“Yeah the giant chicken that is walking around taking pictures with people…
I really wanted my picture with him!”
which will then result in the hostess saying
“Its not a chicken. It is a cow. But no, the cow is no longer here…”
Cow, Chicken, whatever.
They all live on a farm.
Get sad here.
Remember how I had something funny up top?
Welp, there was something very humorous here as well.
Darn husbands.
They take all the fun out of funny.
You will have never laughed harder with your Valentine.
{especially at the 3:15 mark}
13. Somewhere between all of the above—blog about your husband’s poor history with Valentines gifts. Because, maybe—just maybe he will come to his senses and surprise you with something good.
Say for instance, a new desk. For your soon to be new office.
Well done husband.
Well well done.
…And there you have it folks.
13 simple, yet highly effective ways to make your Valentines the best one yet.
Til next time.