Hap Hap Happy Friday.
So you know what sucks?
When you go to write a “Capturing Joy” post and you realize you haven’t taken any “joyful” pictures recently.
So excuse the suckiness today.
I have been trying to rummage through my photo archive and see what I can dig up.
You can be the judge of how well I dug.
Anyhow-thanks for all the sweet comments yesterday.
Glad to know I am not the only one who struggles with feeling like she is “lost” sometimes in this life.
I did determine that if I just drink three glasses of wine, I feel found very quickly.
Ha, kidding kids.
It only takes two glasses.
No, but really-you are all the coolest.
Don’t let anybody else tell you otherwise.
Aaannnnd thankfully my brain gets really smart while I lie in bed at night and I have come up with a few ways to strike up a “passion” and add some balance back into my life.
Those items will be shared soon—they are pretty much genius so I wouldn’t miss out.
So whaddaya say we get into this whole “Capturing Joy” biz?
Here goes nothin’…
I don’t know what it is about this picture, but I love it.
Oh wait, it might be because of the ice cream..chocolate..and cherry.
How precious are little peoples feet?
At what age do we stop classifying feet as precious?!
My daughter. Don’t tell my husband she came out black.
Splish Splash I was takin’ a bath…
Or playing with a table that had water on it.
And this is why I love Fall so much.
Beauty, Beauty, and more Beauty.
And there you have it—my joyful pictures from the past week several months.
Now I know you guys did a much better job of capturing joy this week.
Prove me right and link up below.
{Have you ever noticed the nice shine on my face in this picture?}
And I am off now to go live it up this weekend.
Live it up how?
Your guess is as good as mine.
But you can bet your bottom dollar it will involve food, shopping, and drinks.
Those three are pretty vital in terms of weekend success.
Talk soon pretty kitties.
PS. And because everybody and their mom was linking up–I figured I should too.
Go join in the fun.
One last PS–Did any of you watch Beavis & Butthead last night?
When I say I wanted to puke just hearing their voices, I mean I wanted to puke.
If it wasn’t for my husband turning the show on–I would have never written this post.
Gag me now.