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How To Make $400 In 5 Minutes.

October 25, 2012


Erin Schrader

It all started with this bad boy.
Or girl.
Clearly a girl.
The phone is white.
If you are a boy and you are carrying around the white iPhone, I assume you are secretly a girl.
Anyhow, back to the point of this “how to become a millionaire” post.
So once upon a time I got bored.
Well, when I get bored I apparently think that ordering new cell phones is a good idea.
So that’s what I did.
A whopping month later the phone shows up at my doorstep (which would be yesterday).
And this is where I got smart.
I thought to myself “self….I am not even that excited right now that UPS just delivered this shiny nugget of Heaven…you must sell it on Craigslist.”
You see, Craigslist kinda rules this house.
If we want it, we go to Craigslist.
If we don’t want it, we go to Craigslist.
If we decide it is time for one of us to cash in on our life insurance policy, we go to Craigslist.
Yes, I have increased my husband’s life insurance policy since he has started shopping on Craigslist.
You may call it bad luck.
I call it owning a lush pad with a huge pool, driving a benz, and having one of those cool washers that Kelly Ripa endorses.
Anyhow. I didn’t even open the package.
My husband listed it on Craigslist.
30 minutes later we had 5 people wanting to buy it.
To somebody who drove 2 1/2 hours to come pick it up no less…..
I am now $425 richer..
All thanks to a little dose of boredom.
And that my friends, is how you make $400+ in 5 minutes.
You know how else to make $400 in 5 minutes?
Build your own coffee table instead of buying one at some fancy store.
Remember how I said I saw this on Pinterest and was enrolling my husband to make one for me?
{have you noticed yet that I enroll my husband to do basically everything for me….you should see how awkward it gets when I need to wipe….}
He built the darn thing and it turned out pretty freaking well if you ask me.
Now, we do not have it in it’s official location yet nor do we have it all prettied up with little pieces of decoration, but it’ll get there.
The best part? It was SO easy.
Oh right, I didn’t do anything.
I think I am telling you all of this today just because I really really wanted to participate in my besties Steph and Katie’s “Saw It. Pinned It. Did It.” link-up party today.
Moving on, the third way to make $400 in 5 minutes? Announce that you are now accepting November sponsors in your blog post.
Oh hey, I’m accepting sponsors for November!!!!! Deets found here.
pssssst….I should mention that my sponsor spots are all changing come January. The number of guest posts that will be on this blog in an entire month? 2. Tops. And the applause is starting now….
Okay and the last and FINAL thing for you today is the item I am most excited about.
Yes, even more so than the fact I just sold my iPhone for $425 more than I paid for it…..
okay, maybe not that but……
I’m co-hosting a Vlog partaaaaay on October 31st!
Here is the scoop:

Ashley at 5ohWifey and I invite YOU to come share with the rest of us what you need to make it through the day {I’m thinking wine, mascara, cell phone, etc}. And maybe make a few new friends along the way. All you have to do is follow both of our blogs, post a button anywhere on your blog, and post a short vlog answering the following questions. You’ll only have to link up on one of the host’s blogs because our links will be interlinked. We really hope you join us. You can grab a button below to put up on your blog. Spread the word and lets get to know each other a little better! Here are the deets… feel free to make your video your own but please try to stick to these prompts and the time limit.

The Girl Behind The Blog- Show and Tell

Time limit: Vlogs should be 2-3 minutes long

Introduce yourself and your blog
Share with the rest of us: What are 3 items you couldnt get through the day without?


<a href=”https://www.5ohwifey.com/search/label/TGBTB” target=”_blank”><img src=”https://i1210.photobucket.com/albu
ms/cc416/5ohwifey/Blog%20Tools/NEWtgbtb.jpg” alt=”5ohwifey” width=”200″ height=”200″ /></a>

Get those Vlogs ready ladies and be sure to join us on October 31st.
I can’t wait to see what it is you can’t live without.
…..And the longest blog post in history goes to……


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