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My Beef With Blogging.

October 23, 2012


Erin Schrader

You should all know my feelings towards blogging by now….
I adore it.
Obviously or I wouldn’t keep showing up day after day….
It is not only a great creative outlet, it’s a way to document this crazy//funny//awkward//emotional thing called life, a good way to bring in a supplemental income, and a great way to connect with so many people you never would have otherwise.
And that last point brings me to my discussion topic today.
Relationships in blogging VS relationships in “real life”.
I believe I touched on this briefly once before…yep, yep I did.
Right here as a matter of fact.
Crap. I just read through that post and realized it basically summed up everything I wanted to say today. Whatevs. Clearly this is something I struggle with or I would not feel the need to address it twice….
So here’s the deal…
Do you ever find yourself being more intentional with the relationships you are developing online than with the relationships you have created in real life?
Because I do.
And it bothers me….
{card from Red Letter Paper Co} 
I continually tweet, instagram, and write blog posts to communicate with “my peeps”, and then I realize a week has passed and I haven’t even called or emailed my best friend. Totally not cool.
Is it because it is easier? Faster? Or is it because I want to appeal to the masses instead of one individual? Could it be that I convince myself that these online people need me more than the ones closest to me?
Now do not get me wrong—this blogging community and the relationships we form are very important and as proven to me at Influence, are very real.
But the relationships that we have harvested for years and years….the ones who know all of the material that will NEVER be on this blog, those are the ones I want to make sure I am pouring myself into.
I am filled up by face to face interaction.
Yes, tweets, comments, emails, instagram feed…it is all good and can be very uplifting, but when we rely only on those things for our “communication fix”? It’s a recipe for loneliness, dissatisfaction, and high amounts of blah in my world.
It’s time we check our hearts and make sure we are pouring it into the right places.
In conclusion, this post is for the ones who know me. Like reaaaallllly know me.
The ones who I turn to when life happens.
My friends, my family, my husband.
I love you oh so much and appreciate your unconditional love…
even when I tweet more than I text….or when I allow two weeks to pass before I pick up the phone and call you….or when I tell you to come to my blog to read a story rather than me just saying it to your face….
Thank you for investing yourself in my life.
May I never forget how special each and every one of you are.  
So tell me all you little blogettes out there….do you struggle with this or not?
Somebody please say yes. please?
And if not–what is your one piece of beef with blogging?
Don’t act like you don’t have any….

ps. I kid you not….this took place during the writing of this post.

Apparently these two have been spending a little too much time on the internet as well.
Well at least I know this one has.



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