1. I am sharing a huge bowl of extra butter popcorn with my dog at the moment. Is popcorn good for dogs? My husband says no. I say yes. If it wasn’t good for her she wouldn’t love it. Hashtag that people.
2. I am in a blah mood tonight. All day I was great and then tonight, yeah I don’t know about tonight. I don’t think there is anything MORE frustrating than not knowing why you feel “down”.
Don’t worry though, the extra butter in this popcorn is bringing me back up to par.
3. I didn’t even know there was a debate going on right now. Nor did I know it was election year….
4. The last part of number three is a lie. However, NEVER ask me how I decided on who I was voting for last Presidential election. I would most definitely be awarded “Most ignorant pathetic stupid” blogger out there. Assuming I haven’t won that title already of course…
5. I am so glad animal print is trendy again.
6. I have a full week “stay cation” coming up…something I have never done before.
A WHOLE WEEK. AT HOME. NOT WORKING. I might pee my pants. I’m pretty confident that this will make me want to be a full time stay at home housewife. I am also confident that this will never happen. boo.
7. I have a crush. On a girl. It’s awkward.
8. Her name is Jenny and she is right below this number eight. Homegirl is hilarious. No but really, way funnier than I. And way more intelligent. Just look at the building behind her in the first picture. If that doesn’t scream intelligence I don’t know what does (you’re right..a pair of cow socks…).
I’m not a huge “OMG I LOVE GUEST POSTS” kind of person, but I totally loved this post.
You must read it…the topic? Three reasons why you should NOT follow her blog. You heard right.
Hello, readers of LIY! My name is Jenny and I am the author of Jeneric Generation.
It’s my blog where I sometimes make jokes about the world, and sometimes ponder things that are too big for my brain.
But let’s talk about you for a second.
Did you know that I already know two things about you?
I know that you like Erin a lot, and I know that you are awesome because you like Erin a lot. If that sounds flippant, it’s not. I am serious when I say LIY readers are some of my absolute favorite. She attracts the good ones, and I mean that. Maybe it has something to do with her sense of humor and genuine desire to get to know her readers…nah.
We all know that guestposts are usually a ploy to suck you into becoming the blogger’s newest follower and I would be lying if I said that wasn’t my ultimate goal. However, in this digital world where everyone is so connected, and seemingly demanding your attention at every turn, I understand the idea of another blog can be overwhelming.
Well, I am here to give you a short reprieve. Take heart!
In other words, as much as I would like to become BFFs, I am giving you the opportunity to pass up my blog guilt-free. For your sake, for your freedom, I am going to share three reasons why you should probably not follow my blog, and go enjoy a nice long bath or something instead. Relieved? You are welcome. Here we go…
1) I am a closet nerd
In high school, I carried around a pocket Constitution and took Latin vocabulary flashcards with me on family vacations. Weird, right? But don’t worry, now I just have a degree in history and a U.S. Congress app on my iphone….and iphones are cool. In college, I traveled to D.C. at least once a year with a bunch of other cool nerds to attend political conventions and lectures. At night, when most people were hitting the bars in Georgetown, we would head to the National Mall to see the monuments lit up under the black sky. We would sometimes take walks until 1:00am. I know, we were crazy. All of that led to me moving to D.C. three years ago to work on Capitol Hill. And these days, I have mellowed out a lot, keeping my late-night National Mall walks to a minimum.
2) Sometimes, I crack myself up
My family has always made fun of me for getting really weird when I get tired. I kind of turn into a different person, and it isn’t anything cool like a vampire. It’s more like…the demented, loony person I will probably become in 70 years or so. If I last that long. Anyway, I do things like take pictures of people and go to town in Microsoft paint. I did this for my husband once, when we were dating. I think it might have legitimately caused him to second guess his own sanity. The next day, it usually isn’t funny, I’ll admit. But, it’s a part of me I have to live with. And right now, you do to. Congratulations.
3) Sometimes, when I have writers block, I take the easy road and interview people who died a hundred years ago.
Turns out they have a lot to say. I also visit graveyards during romantic vacations with my husband. This is from our honeymoon.
So, I guess you could say I have an affinity for the macabre.
You can decide if that is a point for, or against me. There you have it. Three great reasons to say, “okay, no thanks, that’s weird”.
But, in all honesty, I really do appreciate you taking the time to read this, and I hope I get the privilege of meeting you. Thanks again, Erin! I am, and ever will be, a devoted reader. 🙂
“I feel like my entire makeup bag is just Tarte products” – actual words from the LIY Team. It’s no secret we’re BIG fans of Tarte Cosmetics around here. Between the trusty concealer we’ve been using for years and the lip balm we’re trying in every single shade, Tarte has become a staple in our […]
Tan Pants / White Tank / Maxi Dress / Pink Pants / Similar Black Top / Green Pants / Similar Red Top / White Jeans All aboard the trouser train! It looks like we all jumped on the wide-leg pant wagon [and have zero plans coming off anytime soon!] 😉 From work to play, these […]