viaIt’s official.I’ve thought about it long enough (a few weeks) and I am ready to move these thoughts into action.Now hear me out before we get much further–I do not think that I am genius writer (hello typos). Or that I know everything about this, that, or the other.Especially in the whole “writing a book” department. I’m clueless folks. I am going to assume it involves sitting behind a computer and typing but other than that, I know nothing. Here is what I do know though–I have ideas. Some funny. Some serious. Some insightful. And a lot (we’re talking a lot) of meaningless items floating around in that head of mine. Ever since I started this blog I thought it would be fun to take it one step further. And because this blog doesn’t take much initiative herself, I have to kind of direct her where I want her to go. In other words, I wear the pants around here. Sorry blog. You’re cute but you’re not that cute. So blog–guess what? You are about to become a book. A real life book! Can you believe it blog?Me either. Nor will I til’ it’s done.
viaSpeaking of getting it done, that’s a small concern of mine. I am under the impression that writing a book may also take time. I’m thinking if I start praying for 50 hour days it might happen. Or if I drink enough wine, I will convince myself that 8 pm really only means 8 am. So yes, I will be drinking a lot during this process. The basis of the book?Blogging. And how to do this shaz.But that’s not all.You better believe it will have a smattering of funny stories mixed in.
And really insightful information.
Like how not to fall down a flight of stairs and land at the foot of a donkey and mariachi band. It’s not going to be your typical “how to blog” book. But it will be awesome. I promise you this.However, in order to make it awesome I need YOU.Yes, I just said you. Don’t turn around. I meant you. I need to know what you want covered in this blogging (slash humorous, slash random, slash anything else my brain wants to talk about) book. What questions do you want answered?
Topics I should discuss?
You name it, I need to know it. So really–I should have titled this post “Surprise! You are writing a book for me!”All I ask is that you email me your questions, topic ideas, etc to tweet me. Facebook me. Comment down below. Just do something to tell me. You wanna know how to make a button? Or when you should start paying to advertise? What about how to respond to negativity in blog word? Most importantly–how many glasses of wine one should consume while writing a post?
I can assure you I do not have all of the answers. But I do have suggestions.
Most of which are probably not to be taken seriously…
Anyhow– help a sister out and let’s do this thang. I am excited.And nervous. And a little overwhelmed. But it’s going to be good.
via..Now if you will please excuse me I am off to lock myself up in a secluded room for the next six months.If your grocery store is out of mac and cheese and wine come next week…my sincerest apologies. Just know it went for a good cause. Thank you in advance for your help. Past, present, and future–you all rock. Love you kitten britches. Cheers to an exciting new beginning….
hair pulling, sleepless nights, carpel tunnel, and all.