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Getting Dirty With My Husband {Or Blogging Lessons Learned}

August 10, 2011


Erin Schrader

Blogging Lesson Learned #1:
Title your posts with eye catching “Oh no she didn’t just write about that…” type stuff.
I tried this out a few months back and this post produced more page views than almost anything else I’ve ever written about.
I am not sure if I should applaud you or condemn you for this πŸ˜‰
At least I now know my audience is a bunch of perverts…Kidding.
If it makes you feel any better, I would totally click on something so exciting as well.

Blogging Lesson Learned #2:
Have your comment settings set to Open In A New Window.
To do this, click on the following:

Once there, complete the following:

The embedded comment form can not be used if you have Post Pages disabled.

Thankfully the lovely Natalie from NS Pottery taught me this lesson a few months back.
There is a large handful of us bloggers who can not leave comments on your blog if this is not the case.
There is nothing more discouraging than reading a post, wanting to gush to the owner about how much you loved it, and then not being able to…which leads me to my next point.

Blogging Lesson Learned #3:
Always have your email address easily accessible on your blog.
Sometimes I need to get in contact with your booty.
And my booty needs to know your booties email address.
So please, have it somewhere.
It makes life much, much easier.

Blogging Lesson Learned #4:
Include pictures in all of your posts.
If you don’t, I get bored.

Just sayin’.
Even if the only picture you post is something as ridiculous as this, post it:

Blogging Lesson Learned #5:

Read other blogs for inspiration.
You think I get all my genius ideas by myself?
Good joke-I get a lot of my ideas on what to write about from other blogs..
Ain’t no shame in it.

Blogging Lesson Learned #6:
Leave comments on other blogs.
If you like what the person had to say, tell them.
Those comments make people’s days shine a little bit brighter.

I speak from experience on that one.
Oh-and never leave a mean comment.
That is rude.
And dumb.
And you don’t want to be rude & dumb now do we?
Blogging Lesson Learned #7
Having a case of writer’s block?
Go experience life.
Don’t sit around in front of your computer wasting precious time that could be spent on much more satisfying, quality life enhancing things.
Your blog will thank you for it.
Chances are good while you are out enjoying your life, an idea just might pop into your head.
 For other ways to get over writer’s block, read this.
Blogging Lesson Learned #8
When you accidently delete the design of your blog and have no idea on how to fix it-
Don’t freak out.
Remember it is the content that keep people coming back.
Not how pretty your sidebar looks.
Unfortunately, I’m still trying to convince myself of this lesson.

Blogging Lesson Learned #9
Want to know how to make a button for your blog? Click Here.
What about a header? Click Here.
Want to learn how to be awesome? Click Here.
Ha. Got ya.

Blogging Lesson Learned #10
Last but not least, BE YOURSELF.
Nobody wants to read the words of somebody who is trying to be somebody else.
And face it-you’re pretty amazing..why hide that from the world?
You are the best thing your blog has.

So there you have it friends..
10 little but important lessons I have learned over the past 6 months.
What words of wisdom am I missing?
I would love to hear it.
As in, take the advice off of lesson learned #6 and leave me a comment with it.

Oh yeah, Lesson Learned #11:
Have the coolest cats in the world read your blog.
Lesson Accomplished πŸ˜‰

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