Last evening I had the bright idea to stop in at a local boutique that I’ve mentioned before, Flourish. One would think that I would have been shopping for Christmas gifts, but no. Erin’s Closet: 3 Christmas Gifts: 0. It’s like I know that Christmas is next week and all but do you know what is one week after that?! New Years Eve aka party dress central. Now don’t get me wrong, Jesus and his birthday is a pretty big deal and all but so is looking fly to ring in the new year. Thankfully Flourish is not one to disappoint in when it comes to all things glitzy and glamorous. Side note: can we just give it up for the person who created sparkles and sequins? Strippers, party goers, and lovers of pretty things celebrate you. I thought it’d be fun to show off a few of my personal favorites from last evening to ensure you can be all gussied up for your New Years Eve festivities.
Okay so I die at the above dresses. This white little sparkly number was at the top of my list followed immediately by that fancy aztec sequined up dress. Please somebody for the love your closet, purchase one or both of those. Please. Also, never elect me to write clothing descriptions.