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Thoughts {In The Moment}

November 22, 2013


Erin Schrader

two things. it appears that I don’t have any eyeballs and my arm is a chicken wing. continue on. 

+ I know that not everybody understands why we don’t have children as of yet or why we don’t have a strong desire for children anytime in the near future. For those of you not understanding, let me start by saying three words. Peace and quiet. I’m obsessed with it. I know there is beauty in chaos, but there is a heck of a lot of beauty in calm too. Recently I’ve made it a point to make our home a haven so to speak. Candles lit, house picked up, Jack Johnson playing throughout the house, wine, movies, and so on. Maybe eventually this quiet calm thing will become boring, but for now I am soaking up every second of it I can get. 

+ On that same note, I am a firm believer that ladies, we should all strive to make our home as pleasant as possible for our man (and children). Call me old school but a tidy home makes everybody’s spirits a little brighter and lighter. Fresh flowers don’t hurt either. 

+ I now just remembered I need to purge my whole household of basically everything I own. HOLY CRAP. #stuffoverload. 
+ I am in this really weird place in my life right now professionally. As you may recall I recently went part-time so that I can spend every afternoon working on this blog and any additional online ventures I can conjure up. Well, what happens when you are given the time to work on it and then the desire isn’t either all there, you feel stuck in the same place you have been in, and/or don’t know where to go from here? EXACTLY. It’s frustrating and weird. 

+ Wine. That’s all on that one. 

+ I’ve been accidentally staying up til 2 am or later recently. For whatever reason I get hyper around 11 pm and want to do anything but sleep. Like look at my iPhone because that seems to be a thrilling hobby. I think it’s the whole brewing coffee at 6 pm thing that is kicking my arse. And my eyeballs. 

favorite confetti mug from hello awesome–use code HELLOLIY10 for 10% off

+ This picture. 

I love her little determination in putting together a puzzle that she never had a shot of putting together in the first place. Being naive is one of the best things you can be sometimes. 

+ My heart is equal parts grateful, joyful, hurting, and sad right now. This makes for confusing days. Yesterday I received a bag of cashews from a fundraiser that I forgot I had ordered for my grandpa about a month or so ago. Have you ever received a bag of cashews for your grandpa who is now no longer here? It’s a little (a lot) tear jerking. And so I cry. And then I laugh. And then I cry again. 

+ I have a goal to learn every choreographed song there is. You know–the good ones like soulja boy, dougie, bernie lean, the wobble, stanky leg, twerkin, the whole bit. Because I mean, why not?

+ I made pasta last night that included TWO pounds of cheese. I like cheese and all but there comes a point where you realize that maybe you shouldn’t eat two pounds of cheese for dinner. Not that those thoughts stopped me but still. 

+ Peacin’ out. Paaaaaayce. 

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