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I Need Shame. And Tape On My Fingers.

September 5, 2013


Erin Schrader

Time to spit out some of my most recent thoughts and ramblings. Always a good time, never guaranteed to stream together well, but like I said..always a good time. 

+ So a typical evening around here goes like this. Naturally I stop at the grocery store for a few items that have nothing to do with that evenings dinner. I get home, sit outside while numbing my mind with all things Instagram and red wine, while nodding my head to things my husband says like “think about what we should eat for dinner.” I keep on my cute outfit because I have every intention of taking outfit pictures for the next days blog post. I pour myself another glass of wine. Shawn asks what we are eating for dinner, I told him I haven’t “thought” about it yet. I say things like “screw outfit posts, I’m putting my yoga pants on..” and then I start dancing in the living room because that’s the next natural thing to do that makes sense. Somebody that lives in this house that doesn’t go by the name of Erin gets annoyed because no dinner has yet to be planned so he takes charge. Twenty minutes later we sit down at the counter, I take a bite of some weird piece of meat he threw on the grill, exclaim it tastes weird and then spit it out on my plate. We both agree we will just eat cereal later and I migrate back to the computer where I sit now. Two glasses of wine, no outfit pictures, and nothing substantial food wise in my stomach. Success. 

instead of this …. you get this. 

+ Catching up on blogs the other night I stumbled upon Bonnie’s post on “Why do blogs suck?” which naturally had me intrigued. Here’s my deal. I don’t necessarily think it is the blogs that suck, but the bloggers behind them. That sounds a little on the harsh side but hear me out–I read some of the most boring blogs out there but yet I read them because I love the people writing them. I really don’t care what you wore yesterday, nor will I ever make the recipe you just posted, but if I think they are a pretty legit person and you share your life openly and vulnerably, I’ll keep showing up. This is where I think the biggest difference is between being a blogger and a writer. People often read blogs because of the people writing them, not necessarily because of the words being wrote.You build relationships with people in some creepy online fashion and then you support one another. I mean yeah, being funny/wise/cute/fashionable helps, but you get what I’m saying. Never mind. Produce good content and people will come. But be nice along the way because not nice bloggers? Those ones suck. Balls. 

+ “C’mon..noooooooo” says Shawn to this bullet point. 

+ In other news I ate a frozen sprinkled banana on a stick last week too so there’s that. 

+ A few favorite current songs: “How She Rolls” by Chase Rice, “Cinema” by Benny Benassi (skillrex remix), “Shake, Shake, Shake” by Bronze Radio Return, “Glass” by Thompson Square, and “Drunk Last Night” by Eli Young Band. 

+ I am in a crazy good mood. Only crazy because I am sweating like crazy in my house right now and haven’t had any food but regardless, happy. Just goes to all show it’s all what’s in your mind….I mean glass. 

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