Little time to blog tonight (I say this and it will turn out to be one of the most time consuming posts of all time..) because Giuliana and Bill starts in 45 minutes. Have I mentioned yet that I upgraded my Direct TV package just so I could watch this show once a week? Some people (ie: my husband) may consider this to be a foolish way to spend an extra $25 a month, but you know what we say–what does Giuliana think?
Well Giuliana thinks she misses me. I can’t say blame her. I would miss annoying twit stalkers too I’m sure. Some would think it’s stressful to be besties with a celebrity but nope. I handle it with style and class and never, I repeat never, spin in circles for hours on end after she tweets me back. I mean sure we fight from time to time on why I haven’t been asked to be Duke’s nanny yet but I think it’s just because her personal assistant keeps forgetting to call me. Which reminds me. Why hasn’t she asked me to be her personal assistant yet?
Anyhow, I figured tonight would be a good night to just ramble off a few things and thoughts as of recent. All of which are very very important so please, keep reading.
–I am in charge of mowing the grass 98% of the time at our house. I have always done a decent enough job to be “allowed” to keep being in charge of this chore. And then this happened. I hopped on Instagram last week after mowing earlier in the day and this was my husband’s photo with some caption about my mow job.
I blame the butterfly, neighbor kids, sip of beer, and anything else that may have been distracting me in that moment of forgetfulness. But man–look at those straight lines. I couldn’t have done a better job if I tried.
–If I am on the phone with you and you blame your “new nails” for your inability to type on your keyboard I will throw up in my mouth.
–Being tired will inadvertently make you grouchy. Or forget to mow patches of grass. Or leave you boggled at what your next sentence in this blog post should be.
–Planning an upcoming vacation is excruciating and exhausting both mentally and spousally. It typically goes something like this.
We have a really loving relationship right now.
–This reminds me. Accidentally booking vacations won’t get you much further with your significant other. This may have happened the other week. One second I am on Marriotts website, the next second I get an email with a confirmation on one of the most expensive resorts they have. Several thousands of dollars, nervous sweats, and a loud “OH FRICK” later, I found the cancel reservation button and we were back to good. But I mean seriously. How does one accidentally book a vacation?
–Hot dogs topped with roasted red peppers, onions, basil, pesto, and parmesan cheese will be served in Heaven.
–I’m tired. Have I mentioned that yet? Sometimes I think I secretly ran a marathon all day while sitting in my chair at work. But then I remember I really just ate about a pound of cheese and half a box of candy.
–I bought new yoga pants at Target on clearance the other day. I have zero plans of never not wearing them when I am at home. God bless whoever created the yoga pant. God also bless the people who actually practice yoga. Without you two, this miraculous product would have never been created. Muffin tops unite and bow down. Bless you el yoga pant.
–This post is sucking balls in the picture department.
–Kids, if you are reading: I would advise you to not use the term “sucking balls”. Probably ever.
And on that creepy note, Erin out.
And it’s about time I confess my deep love. I’m pretty sure it is the mixture of anchors, softer than soft fabrics, reasonable prices, and the variety for
men, and
kids (oh my word–the kids products, I die). Ever since my first order I have been hooked and can’t wait to order more. Fortunately for you,
The Printed Palette has been kind enough to give you all
15% off your order with the code YELLOW15. If there is one thing you need right now, it is something from
this shop. Make sure to check them out on
Instagram and
their blog as well. Oh and hey–if you are in the Carlsbad area, they just opened a brick and mortar for you to shop at! I feel a trip to California in my very near future.
Oh husband, I have a vacation idea….