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Sixty Days.

April 22, 2012


Erin Schrader

Oh you guys.
I messed up this weekend, and by messed up I mean screwed up royally.

Here is the deal.
The husband and I were shopping at Kohls and I found a dress I absolutely loved.
Something that is so rare for me {sarcasm}.
But really–it had Nashville CMA Festival written all over it. And well, I don’t want to show up naked to CMA Fest.
On second thought….

Anyhow–naturally, I say to my husband “I need this. I neeeeeed it soooo bad.”
Yes, I know my needs are ridiculous.
And no, I did not “neeeeeeed” it.
Your right. I did need it.

He proceeds to say some ridiculous statement like “you have no self control..you do not need that.”
Then he has the nerve to act like this whole buying the dress thing is a test of my character.
Like if I were to buy it (for $12 whopping dollars mind you), I would prove to myself and to him that I have zero willpower in this whole “shopping addiction” he claims I suffer from.

As you can tell, I was suddenly thrown into a tough predicament.
I couldn’t say goodbye to the dress.
But I also couldn’t prove to my husband that I really honestly have no self control when it comes to shopping.
So what do I do?

Well I bought it, duh.
But it wasn’t before I blurted out the words

Uhhhhhhhhh. No you did not Erin. Tell me you did not just say that.
The minute the words came out of my mouth, my stomach went in knots.
{I am a fool. This I know…}
Within seconds, I was shaking my husbands hand in full out “deal” mode.
So here I sit friends.
No purchases for sixty flippin’ days.
In other words, eternity.
To make matters worse, within these 60 days I will be traveling 3 different times.
Shopping and traveling go hand in hand in case you were not aware.
Looks like I am going to have to resort to drinking more.

It’s a good darn thing I had picked up these items earlier in the day before making that “deal”.

Oh and hey–if you are a company who sells clothing, shoes, jewelry, and purses, now would be the appropriate time to bombard my front door with free merchandise. Just sayin’.

In all seriousness, I am excited about the next sixty days.
I am excited to not focus on myself and material goods.
There are so many better uses for my money, this I know.
My first step?
Sponsoring a little nugget over in the Philippines.

Yes, her.
My new “kind of” daughter.
“Kind of” in the sense that I don’t have to assume responsibility over her.
Which is a good thing considering it’s a daily struggle to keep myself alive.

I love her more already than any dress I could buy.

Now please. Nobody {and I mean nobody} post about something cute they just bought.
Especially you, you, and you.
Expect eggs and tomatoes thrown at the computer screen if you break this rule.

Cheers to the next sixty days friends. Freakin’ cheers.

PS. If you haven’t heard, I finally joined the 2000’s and created an account on Instagram. Find me there and follow along–livinginyellow. I promise to blow that mother up. In a good way of course.
Self portraits and all.

PPS. My husband just informed me that I need wear a pair of bike shorts under the above dress because it is “too short”. Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? #Men. #Theydontunderstand.

PPPS. I now hashtag everything. Emails, Texts, Tweets, and Blog Posts. #Ithinkitscool. #Getoverit.


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