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Awkward And Awesome.

March 22, 2012


Erin Schrader

I know I know.
Awkward & Awesome Thursdays has kinda been a thing of the past around here.
My apologies.
However, today it is back.
Insert cheers, high fives, and booty smacks.
Let’s dive into these finer moments of my life shall we?


1.   Pulling up to a stop light, windows down, blasting {and I mean blasting} Ice Ice baby. And then turning your head only to find a car on each side, with their window down, staring at you with those concerned “Oh no you are not blasting Ice Ice Baby right now” eyeballs.

Yeah, like so.
The only way to mend this situation? The awkward head nod while simultaneously turning down the volume.  And by mend I mean increase the awkward level by another 80%.

2.   Having somebody notice and call me out on the fact that my work pant’s hemline was being held together with paper clips and staples. “Are those paperclips on your pants?!?!?” And instead of a normal response like “Oh my gosh, how in the world did paperclips and staples get on my pants?!?” I say “Crap. I knew I should’ve colored those black so they would blend in.”
It’s called making your office supplies work for you people. And really. Who knows how to sew anyhow?

3.   Calling somebody on the phone and asking “Is this Sheila?” “Uh. No. This is Dan”. Woops. Sorry. I bet you feel like a real man right now huh Dan? Tell me friends—how does one recover from that situation? Simple. You don’t.

4.   Phlegm. Enough said.

5. The fact that my husband and I find it necessary to have 10. Yes, I said 10. 10 drinks on the counter at one time. Just for the two of us.

….and the best for last {you need to read this. Seriously. Read it}

6.   Having a waitress ask a friend of yours if he would like another beer. His response “I’ll have one with dinner”. Waitress “I’m sorry, what?” “Oh, with dinner. I’ll have another one with my dinner.” Waitress leaves and comes back probably 5-10 minutes later. In a very confused state says “I’m sorry—we don’t have any wood thinner. I asked my manager though and he said we have paint thinner”. I kid you not friends. Those exact words came out of her mouth. At which point I fell off my chair from laughing so hard {true story}. Surprisingly enough, this paint thinner serving restaurant is no longer in business. Shocker.


1.   I’ve mentioned it’s been mid 80s and sunny for like two weeks here in Northern Indiana right? Okay. Just checking. Tan lines in March? I’m down with it.

2.   My husband. For putting up with me while I made him paint my new office to be three nights in a row this week. Husband, You rock. Just fyi. And yes friends, pictures will be coming once it is all complete. Patience people. Patience. {That was really more of a reminder to myself. Not to you.} Okay fine. You convinced me. Here is a small small sneak peek.

3.   The fact that this weekend involves friends, Chicago, RPM Italian {my homegirl G’s restaurant}, our favorite band, dancing, and lots of unforeseen amazeballs moments.
It’s going to be epic I tell you. Epic.

4.   My little pony. I really have no idea what this picture is all about, but clearly in that moment it had my heart.

5.   And of course, you. Even now when I recently became the self proclaimed champion for “Worst Blogger To Comment On Other Blogs” you still pull through in the clutch and show me love.
Good grief. How do you do it? Sometime I will get better at that. Maybe?
Anyhow, congratulations on being not as sucky as myself. Job well done.

Hap Hap Happy Thursday Kitten Britches. Go make it a good one.

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