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I Should Stop Going Out In Public…

November 19, 2011


Erin Schrader

So remember yesterday how I bragged about it being my last day off work for the year?
And that I had major plans to go shopping, take advantage of Starbucks “Happy Hour”, blah blah blah.
Well, let me tell you how that adventure went.
It started off perfectly.
I took off in my little Saturn
{picture taken a couple years ago..we can still see grass in these parts}
I hit up the stores I needed to, bought a few fancies, devoured Chipotle for lunch…
I was feelin’ good.
And then I decided to make my final stop at Target.
After browsing the Clearance section, I made my way to the Starbucks located inside the building.
Ordered my two peppermint mocha’s…
walked out to my car as one happy clam.
All was right in the world.
And then this happened:
Peppermint Mocha #1 all over me.
I shouldn’t say it ALL spilled on me…
the ground got it’s fair share as well.

After freaking out for a solid 5 minutes in the Target parking lot, I hopped in the car to head home.
Something like the above might be a major catastrophe to some,
but thankfully spills are second nature to me.
Anyhow, I am about 5 minutes from home when all of a sudden, my car starts to act like a jet plane.
The RPMs go off the charts, the engine {or what I would assume is the engine} makes this crazy sound,
Okay, so spills may be second nature to me…but my gas pedal not working?
That’s another story.
Thankfully there was a driveway I could pull into.
I did all the necessary things–
call my husband to tell him what just happened-
he calls a tow truck-
I enjoy some leftover chips and salsa-

and take pictures to showcase my mental state at the time:

Anyhow, this is what I arrived home in {2 and 1/2 hours later}:
Friends, please meet my temporary whip.

{Look at the shine on her…}

A 1999 Buick something or other.
Last time I was in one of these, I was 5 years old, and I vomitted all over the front seat.
Good memories.
On the bright side, I did bring home a new pair of black boots.
On the not so bright side, I realized I really did not need a new pair of black boots.
Anyhow, one would think that I should probably lock myself inside for the rest of my life.
Instead, I have plans to go tear up the town tonight dancing my little head off.
I can only imagine the stories I will have for you next week…

PS. The one redeeming part to this story?
Target is now selling the Candy Cane Kisses.

I might have said aloud “Ooooooh baby I am excited” when I grabbed them off the shelf.
It only created one fellow shopper to stare me down.
Candy Cane Hater.

Cheers to your weekend being a lot less messy than mine.

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