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Awkward & Awesome: MIA

August 25, 2011


Erin Schrader

I had great intentions of writing what I would like to think of as a “hilarious”
Awkward & Awesome post for today.
That was until life happened.
Life happenings that have left me feeling deplete of every ounce of energy and any little bit of comic relief my bones typically have.
Yesterday was a very scary day.
One that has me sitting here with tears streaming down my face to be quite honest.
As you may or may not know, I am a daddy’s girl.
I love that man more than words could ever say.
So when I found out yesterday afternoon he was in the hospital having emergency surgery,
I immediately felt like my world was crashing in an instant.
I will spare the details of why he was in this surgery, and leave you knowing he is on his way to making a full recovery in the hospital.
While I wish the circumstances would’ve been different-
yesterday taught me quite a few valuable lessons.
1. Life is never certain.
I have always known this fact but when something scary happens like it did yesterday-
that reminder really hits you.
You NEVER know what each day will bring.
Never forget to tell the people closest to you that you LOVE them.
Not just with your words, but also in your actions.
It is one thing you can do that you will NEVER regret.
2. Have true friends-Be a true friend.
It was so neat to see some of my dad’s friends show up within minutes of my mom calling them.
My dad was overjoyed and in disbelief that people care so much about him.
I want to know that if I am ever in a situation like him,
 I would have people by my side instantly.
Even more important though, I want to know that I would be that person
immediately running to my friends needs.

3. People on drugs are FUNNY.
My dad would’ve done an amazing job of writing my Awkward & Awesome post today if I would’ve let him.
I would share some of the things he said, but he would probably kill me.
And really-I am in no mood to be killed right now.
4. Doctors and nurses are rockstars.
I can’t get over how important these people are.
What they deal with on a daily basis is unbelievable.
Even more unbelievable is that they do it with a joyful spirit.
If you are in the medical field-my hat is off to you.
Honestly though, I don’t wear hats…but you know what I mean.
5. You never know what other people are going through.
You think you are having a bad day because you couldn’t decide what to wear?
Go visit a hospital and listen to the stories, look into the patients eyes,
and witness the families heartbreak surrounding them.
You never know what people are dealing with-be kind to everybody.
6. Crying gives me headaches.
Not really much more to this..but it’s true.
Dumb lesson to have to learn.
7. God is great all the time.
No matter what the circumstances-
no matter how my dad’s surgery would’ve turned out-
I believe that He is great.
In the good, and in the bad.
He always works together for our good and for that, I am so so thankful.
…Well there you have it kids.
Not what you would expect coming here on a Thursday, but words straight from the heart.
Don’t get used to it 😉
Dad-if you are reading
{which you should be because we all know you aren’t doin’ too much else right now}
I love you.
..Now just stop scaring us would ya?

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