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How We’re Accomplishing our Resolutions

January 5, 2024


You know the saying – new year, new me! While we’re not sure we’re ready for a new us [because hey, we’re confident, strong, bold women who like who we are!], we’re always down to make a few tweaks to better our selves and our lives! We’re all making a few resolutions this year, and sometimes a few products help keep us on track for making those changes! Take a look below at what the LIY Team is doing to reach those 2024 goals!

PS did you see our recent post, sharing what we’re leaving in 2023 and what we’re taking into 2024? Read it here!


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I’ll admit – I don’t have any brand-new to me resolutions or goals this year. With this pregnancy, I’m focusing on a few minor [but very important things]: good quality sleep [insert the Hatch – this thing is a game changer overnight], light movement through the act of walking [I am loving these Nike’s to get the job done] and making sure I stay hydrated daily – looking at you Stanley and LMNT packets!

Last year I started writing daily in this Five Minute Journal and I absolutely loved the practice, but then somewhere about halfway through the year, I stopped for whatever reason and I would love to get back in the habit of it. It made such a difference in my daily attitude and accomplishments! Overall, I am hoping to stay as healthy and rested as possible in preparation for our little baby to be!


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I know it probably seems counterintuitive to have a bunch of baking stuff showing up in my resolutions, but hear me out! I LOVE baking! Spending time in the kitchen, using my hands and making food for people I love gives me joy. Here’s the catch – my favorite dessert category is pie, but I have the least amount of experience making them. Sure, I can make a good-tasting pie, but it’s just not beautiful. This year I’m looking to dive into my hobbies and set aside time in my day for myself. One way I plan to do this is to explore baking pies and breads. I plan to give away or share these for the most part, so I’ve also got some products included for transporting them!

My favorite walking shoes, Stanley, Apple Watch, Audible and Airpods are all to help with my resolution of setting time aside each day to focus on my physical and mental health. I’m not proclaiming some crazy fitness goal for the year, just to prioritize myself and allow myself time for a walk each day – and with that, time to listen to audio books which I find to be such a great way to turn my mind off for a while.


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No surprise there is workout gear and accessories in my list this year! However, this year I’m taking a slightly different approach! While I also want to continue lifting weights and training I want to be better about how I’m moving my body the right way, giving rest, adding in low impact days and wearing the proper shoes for my workouts!

Another focus this year is adding more peace and calm to my daily life and continuing to take care of my mental health! This has been a huge focus over the last year and I have already noticed big differences in how I’m feeling, boundaries I’m setting and how I’m taking care of myself! Bringing more calm into my daily life is a big priority this year. I’m also really excited to dive into more self help books!


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I’m not a big detailed resolution person, but I do like to have overall themes and goals for the year that I hope to live by! In 2024 I want to try to put organization, self care, and overall health [mental, physical, emotional] at the forefront! I’m ready to hydrate, babyyyyy with this 40oz [goal is to drink at least 2 of these a day!] and add in my electrolytes for sauna sessions! I am bad about scrolling on my phone at night, so I want to use a wireless charger and put my phone out of arms reach from my bed! I also want to use more features on my hatch this year to have a calm, peaceful, and restful bedtime/waking routine! Speaking of restful sleep…it’s time I invest in a good pillow 🤣 and this one by far is the most loved in the LIY community!

Organization wise, it’s time to pretend I’m moving LOL and whatever is not being purged I hope to get labeled and put into bins [my basement is a wreck, y’all!]. Something else I would love to do this year is lean into creative hobbies and learn more about nice cameras and have fun with that! CHEERS TO 2024 – let’s make it the best year yet! 🤠


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I was really proud of myself for making my physical health a priority in 2023, and I want to keep those healthy habits moving into 2024. On a more serious note, I’ve always struggle with body image issues and instead of setting unrealistic goals for myself like losing 20 pounds before Spring Break, I’m challenging myself to dive deeper into the struggle so many women face when it comes to loving the bodies we have. This book is on the top of my to-read list this year! Along with moving my body regularly [I LOVE my Peloton – if you’ve been on the fence about getting one, this is your sign to do it!], I’m challenging myself to drink more water daily. And I don’t know about you, but I’ve found I’m more likely to drink water when it’s coming from a cute water bottle. This one holds a whopping 64 ounces! Full disclosure: I work from home, so I won’t be lugging it around all day. 😉

Physical health aside, I’d like to transition to clean beauty and household products this year. While I’m using up the products I already own, I’ll be slowly but surely transitioning to natural, non-toxic brands throughout the year. Here’s to a happy, healthy New Year!


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I’m not usually one to get into New Year’s resolutions. But sometimes I need a good reason to get my booty in gear lol. Getting organized, exercise, spending more time with God and cleaning up some of the products we use are some of my to do’s. Since moving into a new home 3 months ago I have let a lot of these things get out of hand. It took me a minute to find a place for everything in our new house. Now that most of our things have a place it all needs to get organized, especially the kids toys!

Working out has never been my thing, but since turning 30 last month I feel like I need to incorporate it far more often into my weekly routine. A solid 30 minute walk each day is what I’m shooting for in 2024. I recently purchased this walking pad and I love it so much. It’s really quiet and easy to move around. When I’m not using it I just slide it under my bed. I even throw in these 5 lb weights sometimes when I’m feeling really crazy!

I used this devotional last year and loved it so much I’m going in for round two! Hopefully I can stay more consistent with it this year. Here’s to creating new, healthy habits in 2024!


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New Year, Same Me – but with a side of goals I’m hoping to stick with me all year long! I always start off the New Year, arms a blazin’ reps galore…. but quickly see my reps a slowing! This year it’s less about strict goals and more about just doing what I love: Moving my Body – in places I love: Outdoors & my home garage gym! I also try to do a whole30 month and this year I’m shooting for February! I do notice that when my water intake, food, sleep is good… I’m set up for the best daily success!

Recently I’ve found joining challenges is what gets me moving! I love having a group of girlfriends aiming for the same goals in a group chat + the peloton community for support when I need it! My challenge to you is simply, finding the JOY that what works for you when it comes to fitness. Yoga, meditation, walking with a friend, grounding, bootcamps – don’t be afraid to test some new things out! Once you find what ticks your box… you’ll want to do more of it! Cheers to a moving and groovin’ 2024! XO Jen


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Although I typically don’t set resolutions, 2024 has me striving for some goals!  I don’t have a body image goal or a weight loss goal or some unattainable fitness goal.  My goals are more focused on simply moving my body and connection.
One of my resolutions for this year is to take more walks with my husband with a new pair of On Clouds.  We started this in 2023 and I want to continue throughout 2024.  It’s an amazing time for us to connect without distraction and I really value that time with him.
Also last year, I started group workouts with close friends.  We may chat more than we work out, but these workouts are often the highlight of my day.  And if I do happen to lift a weight or two, I’m doing it to be stronger and more flexible so I can hang with my growing [and very active] boys!

Lastly, I grabbed some new Pyrex containers.  In the past, I have had cut veggies and fruit in the fridge to grab and go for our family.  In the busyness of basketball games and piano lessons, I strayed from this habit.  I hope to be a little more prepared this year so we can focus on using quality food to fuel our bodies.

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