Love them or hate them, hard seltzers are taking over the liquor store aisles — and our coolers. Over the past few years, we’ve seen seltzers of every variety imaginable hit the shelves. And if you’re anything like us, it can be overwhelming to find a favorite. That’s why the LIY Team took matters into our own hands (err, cups) to find the best seltzers on the market! It’s a tough job, but someone’s gotta do it. 😉 The ladies of LIY tried 6 popular seltzers and today, we’re sharing our honest review in hopes you find one you love too!
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The Results:
High Noon Pool Pack
- 100 Calories, 0 Sugar Added, Gluten Free
- 4.5% ABV
- Made with vodka + real juice
There was a collective “oooohhh” immediately after cracking open a cold Nooner. Several of us already drink & love High Noon, but we especially loved the fun Pool Pack flavors for Summer! Note: this was the only vodka based option out of the seltzers we tried! In no particular order, High Noon easily made its way into our Top 3. It’s light, easy to drink, not too sweet, and goes down smooth! If you’re hosting this summer, pick up a High Noon Pool Pack (no pool required).
Michelob Ultra Organic Seltzer: Signature Collection
- 90 Calories, 0 Added Sugar, Gluten Free, Organic
- 4% ABV
- Made with Coconut Water
Mich, we love your beer and now, we love your seltzers too! This was one of the least sweet seltzers of the group – in a good way! It’s easy to drink and tastes like vodka water. There’s not a huge kick (which we liked!) – and reminds us of something we used to drink in college: light, easy to sip on, refreshing, not too sweet, and we could totally drink it beside the blow up pool. We loved these! Note: if you prefer something on the sweeter side, keep scrolling!
White Claw Surf Pack
- 100 Calories, 1g Carbs, Gluten Free
- 5% ABV
If you like sweet drinks, you’ll love these! The majority of us agreed they taste very sweet and we could only drink one. If you’re planning on day drinking or having several beverages back to back, take our word for it and steer clear. (They have “throwing up” written all over ’em.) Some things in life taste better in small portions. White Claw Surf is one of those tings. Out of all the seltzers we tried, these were the sweetest! The Yuzu flavor tasted like a package of smarties mixed with a mojito – yum. Bonus points for cute packaging – we like the colorful tabs! They know their audience well. 😉
Mighty Swell Tropic Pack
- 100 Calories, 3g Carbs, Gluten Free
- 5% ABV
- All Natural
- Made in Austin, Texas
Tied for a spot in our Top 3 is Mighty Swell! It was 100 times better than Truly (we’ll get to that later), and had a ton of flavor! They taste like juice and are very bubbly, if that’s what you’re in to. Note: we did NOT care for Mango flavor – it tasted like medicine and reminded us of Delsym. Out of the four flavors, we liked Pineapple and Grapefruit the best! While this one is a little more sugary, it had way better flavor than some of the other brands! Overall, this one was swell.
Skip ‘Em:
Truly Tropical Mix Pack

- 100 Calories, 1g Sugar, Gluten Free
- 5% ABV
We had high hopes for Truly, but ultimately, there were a lot of bland faces after our first sip. Overall, it tastes pretty dull. After sipping so many others, Truly was just lacking something and tasted a little flat. It might taste good if you had a lot to drink? TBD. To us, these tasted like a mix of cough medicine and a dull headache (same personality). If we HAD to choose, Pineapple was the favorite flavor, although it didn’t have a lot of taste and left a bad aftertaste. Sorry Truly, we truly weren’t impressed.
- 100 Calories, 2g Sugar
- 5% ABV
- With Antioxidant Vitamin C
Last and least, is Vizzy. Here’s what you need to know: it’s a little bland with a not-so-great flavor. It’s also very bubbly (as in, so foamy it felt like we had rabies) While we’ve never actually had rabies, we imagine drinking a Vizzy is what it would feel like. It reminded us of a Smirnoff headache and smells like stinky feet, swiss cheese, or a frat house. Word to the wise – if you try these, plug your nose while you sip. If we were picking one, Papaya Passionfruit was the best – others were BIG NOPES.
Honorable Mention
Mom Water
- 90 Calories, 0g Sugar, 0 carbs
- No carbonation, no artificial flavors or preservatives
- Fruit infused vodka water, NOT a seltzer
While we recognize Mom Water is not technically a seltzer (it’s not carbonated, which we LOVE), we felt strongly about including it in our seltzer review. It’s light, easy to drink, and tastes exactly like what it is: a fruit-infused water. We love that it’s low on calories, no sugar, no carbs, no artificial flavors or preservatives, and not carbonated – so you don’t need to worry about feeling full or bloated! Our personal favorite Moms are Linda (Blueberry Peach) and Karen (Lemon Blueberry). You better believe you’ll find Mom Water in the LIY Team’s coolers all summer long. Cheers!
Keeping it Cool

While we’re on the topic of seltzers, we firmly believe keeping your beverage cool can make ALL the difference! These KOVA Koozies were designed by a LIY community member and the team has been sipping out of them for years now! If you want to shop small and support a fellow LIY gal, we can’t recommend these enough. Use code 20LIYKOVA valid on Amazon from 5/23-6/20!