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Breast Cancer Awareness

October 30, 2018


As you most likely know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. According to breastcancer.org, 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. With this being a disease that affects so many of us, we felt as though we could not let this month pass in silence about this very important women’s health issue.

The Living in Yellow team recently met up with some beautiful local readers [my mother-in-law included] who either have battled or are currently battling breast cancer. We spent the morning brunching together and hearing their stories of pain, strength, struggle, loss and triumph. It was such a meaningful experience for us to get the chance to spend time with these wonderful women, learn a little more about their journeys with cancer and walk away inspired by their courage amidst such trying and terrifying situations.

We are so honored that they are allowing us to share each of their stories with you.

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Meet Colleen:

Where do you find your strength?

There’s not a day that goes by that i don’t  praise my Lord for being “cancer free” (10 Years) and counting! God is good! So my strength is from the Lord.

What has provided you with courage during your battle with breast cancer?

From family and friends saying I CAN do this.

What can we as women do to support those of us who are battling breast cancer?

PRAY, PRAY, PRAY. Offer to sit with them through their infusion, prepare a meal for them, send cards to let them know they are being thought of. My  friends had a wig burning party for me when I was 5 years cancer free (this can be done after your last treatment too).

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Meet Patti [my mother-in-law]:

Where do you find your strength?

Trying to be positive all the time (or as much as possible…..there are times it is hard).  I try to take the attitude that I can do anything and nothing will beat me. I know with God’s help that I can do anything I set my mind to.  Others have beat cancer and I will too.

What has provided you with courage during your battle with breast cancer?

Just knowing that God, as well as my loved ones that have passed on, are all looking over me and helping me to get through this.  I never had any doubts that I would get through this……although the journey was not what I expected, but then you really don’t know what to expect and everyone’s journey is different.

What can we as women do to support those of us who are battling breast cancer?

Just be there for them.  Many people are there for you at the beginning, like right after the surgery.  They forget that there is still a lot more that you still go through even after the surgery.  I have really appreciated the people that have been there for me during the whole thing. Bringing meals, taking them to appointments when needed it.  Just calling to see how you are doing and if you need anything. Many times you need someone to just talk to you are listen to you.
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Meet Teri:

Where do you find your strength?

I found my strength through my family and friends.   I had more support than I could have ever imagined. Thank God for my loving husband who became my nurse and was so wonderful through it all!  (Who knew he had it in him!) Thanks Honey!! My family was there for me and every time I saw them, it gave me more courage and they kept me positive and, of course, my mom was my biggest cheerleader.  I could not have asked for better and more loving friends, they were there at my beckon call. Love you guys!! I don’t think they will ever know how much it all meant to me!

When I found out I had Breast Cancer, I was shocked and devastated.  But from that moment I just kept thinking to myself , “Thank you God for letting it be me and not one of my grandchildren or children!”  That would have been harder to handle. I am still thanking him every day. I never thought for a moment that I would not beat this! I feel as though I was very positive through this whole ordeal and tried to stay active.

What would you say to other women who are currently fighting this disease?

Talk openly with family and friends about your fears and worries.  They will most likely want to talk with you also, but they don’t always know how to approach the conversation.  So when you have someone in your life that is going through this, don’t be afraid to speak up about it. It will make both of you feel better and more at ease with the situation.  Well, here it is four years later, still cancer free!!

Just a piece of advice:   It was so hard for me to take a step back and have people “DO” for me!  Let them! There will be time later to pay it forward!!

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Meet Julie:

Where do you find your strength?

I get my strength from God, first and foremost. However, I know that I couldn’t have gotten through my battle without drawing strength from my amazing family and friends, as well as other people who reached out to me with prayers, words of encouragement and love, or shared their survival stories with me. I also found that keeping a positive attitude in difficult circumstances brought out strength in me that I didn’t know I possessed.

What would you say to other women who are currently fighting this disease?

Something I would say to other women going through this journey is to not let cancer consume you while going through treatments, as difficult as that sounds.  Continue showing care and concern for others. In the midst of everyone asking how you are doing and feeling, be sure to ask people how THEY are doing as well. I feel this kept me from being consumed by my situation.

What makes you feel beautiful?

I feel beautiful with my post – chemo edgy haircut (that I would NEVER have been brave enough to do myself), I feel beautiful when I look at my double mastectomy scars and think about the battle I fought, and I feel beautiful knowing that there’s a chance my story could help someone else.

Thank you so much to Colleen, Patti, Teri and Julie for sharing your personal journeys with us. To any of you out there who are affected by breast cancer, please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers and we would love to walk with you in any way that we can.

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