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The Power of Women

March 8, 2018


When I google the word “woman” simple results come up such as a wife, girlfriend or lover. I think Google got it wrong. While many of us are those things, we are so much more. When I think of the word woman personally so many more words come to mind – we are smart, incredibly talented, insane multi-taskers, powerful, world-changing, beautiful, graceful, hilarious, hard-working and downright amazing humans. The power that we as females have within us is a force to be reckoned with. We love with our entire beings, we are sensitive and vulnerable yet strong and passionate, emotions are our middle name and communication is often the name of our game. We are complex, vibrant, creatures.

We recently gathered a group of women from our area, many of which were complete strangers to us [and each other] and brought them together on a Saturday morning for a fun little photo shoot in honor of International Women’s Day. We wanted to highlight the strength and power that each of these women embodies on her own, but also how beautiful of a thing it is when we come together, hear each other’s stories, cry with one another, hold each other’s hands and leave as friends. And that is exactly what happened. It was one of the best mornings of my life and one I will never forget. To have a room full of confident, smart, hilarious and REAL women of all walks of life gather together while all wearing the same red dress [this one to be exact/available in plus size here] was the most beautiful sight my eyes have ever seen. I cry just thinking about it.

Today, we’d love to highlight these beauties with you and share a few pieces of their hearts and minds with you. We asked them to answer a few questions so that we could get an idea of who they are behind their beautiful faces and bold red dresses. All of these ladies are an inspiration and are doing hard, inspiring, life-changing things, every single day.

Nicole | Optimistic, Overcomer & Independent
What do you turn to to find strength or encouragement? My faith.
What inspires you? My late husband.
What makes you feel beautiful? Knowing I’m making a difference in someone’s life.
What is your guilty pleasure? Taking the time to pamper myself. Getting my nails done.

Claire | Empathetic, Outgoing & Witty
What makes you feel beautiful? Finding strength and confidence in myself!
What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given? Be happy, it drives people crazy!
What are you passionate about? Helping people find the best version of their true self!
What’s your fashion go to? Red sneakers

Tara | Positive, Loyal & Determined
What’s the best advice you have ever been given? Every day is a new day. I really try hard to wake up every day with a good attitude! Being a single mom is hard, but there is so much more to me. Starting your day with positivity makes your day and the people around you so much better.
What do you turn to to find strength & encouragement? My TRIBE! I have the best people around me! You have to have a close group of friends that get you. The real you. I don’t even have to ask, they just know when I need them and are there.

Ashley | Outgoing, Kind-hearted & Positive
What makes you feel empowered? My mistakes…I have learned so much through the years and seeing how far I’ve come makes me feel strong.
What are you passionate about? Being my absolute best self…personal growth and making sure my daughter’s feel empowered/confident and loved.
What is your guilty pleasure? Chocolate and Game of Thrones.

Becca | Creative, Empathetic & Loyal
What makes you feel beautiful? Having a fresh mani/pedi. When my nails look great, I feel confident!
What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given? Maya Angelou said something along the lines of ‘if you had known better, you would have done better.’ I am a person who is very, very hard on myself & I am trying my best to live in these words — to let things go & forgive myself.
What is your fashion go to? Statement earrings & bold colored lipstick.

Tami | Organized, Outgoing & Foodie
What makes you feel empowered? Helping someone else achieve their goal.  Working with them & be able to see them succeed gives me a great sense of satisfaction.
What’s your fashion go to? My favorite outfit would be my Old Navy jeggings, paired with a tank top & sweater, & ankle booties.

Naomi | Spunky, Nurturing & Loyal
What are you passionate about? Right now in my life and being a mom of little kids, I’m most passionate about raising my boys to be kind, respectful and loving people.  There’s a lot of hate and hurting people in the world and I think the change starts with parents really caring about their kids and intentionally parenting them to be good people. Seriously, it’s a lot of work to raise good people!
What do you feel beautiful wearing? A pair of really good, worn-in jeans, wedges & a flowy tank top! 

Jeni | Outgoing, Motivated & Goofy
What inspires you? Women who support and empower each other.
What makes you feel empowered? Being myself – not what society says I should be.
What are you passionate about? Kindness – the world needs more.
What is your guilty pleasure? Jelly Bellys and doughnuts. Yum!

Sarah | Real, Unique & Driven
What makes you feel empowered? What makes me feel empowered is my faith. When asked why I am so confident I only have one answer, my faith. We were all put on this Earth for a reason and a purpose. You were designed exactly as God wanted you. It is so important to understand that God has an incredible plan for your life and that you are perfect in his eyes. While society might see differently, it’s important to know that our differences do not define who we are but, are a part of our story that God has written for our lives.

Heather | Caring, Motivated & Competitive
What inspires you? My family – My husband and 1.5 year old son. They’re my everything!
What makes you feel empowered? That feeling after working out and knowing I can take on anything that day brings.
What is your guilty pleasure? Watching the Bachelor and Bachelorette (with snacks), I’ve even got my husband watching with me now!

Erin | Driven, Light Hearted, Optimistic
What inspires you? I am inspired daily by the female powerhouses in my life. I am lucky enough to have a mom who continues to be the most hardworking woman I’ve ever met. My sister who had a passion to stay at home with her kiddos but still wanted to have a creative outlet and started a thriving sign making business. My girlfriend who runs a boutique solo, my team who amazes me every day with their brains and creativity and the list goes on. These women inspire me to live out my wildest dreams and strive to be a better version of my self, each and every day. 

YOU, yes YOU are incredible and not just today, but every day we celebrate you and all of the components that make you a woman.

Red Ruched Dress [available in extended sizes here]

photos by tina herschberger photography

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