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Team LIY // Meet The Ladies Behind The Brand

February 27, 2018


Erin Schrader

With so many new faces around here [both you the audience and here with the team] we thought it would be fun to formally introduce to you the ladies who we call Team LIY. It is absolutely crazy to me to think that up until just one year ago on January 1, 2017, it was me and only me and then fast forward to one year later it’s and it’s me and five of the most talented, creative, organized, hilarious and smart women alongside me!

Deciding to go from me to a team was a dream of mine that was born in early 2016 and slowly made its way to fruition in the years proceeding that. While it was somewhat terrifying to make that first full-time hire back in Janauary of last year, it was hands down the best thing I ever did for Living In Yellow. I had no clue that it would go from one employee to five in such a short amount of time, but I believe when I saw the power that just ONE could bring to the brand, it generated a bug inside of me that wanted to continue to test and see what we were capable of. All I could think about was the opportunity that it would breed – not necessarily a way to put an “end” to some of my tasks but rather a way to do more than I ever thought possible. Hiring a team of girls that have so many different skills outside of mine has opened up Living In Yellow to possibilities I didn’t even know existed. From really fun graphics [ie: above], to video content, organized spreadsheets with thought out strategy, communicating with readers in more personal ways, finding all of the BEST sales and pieces to highlight and so much more. Without these girls you’ll meet below, well, I don’t even want to think about it.

The best part? The Living in Yellow community has embraced these women with the same open arms that you have embraced me and for that I am so beyond thankful. We not only have so much fun, we work so well together and love one another way more than just co-workers. We are friends and more times than not, feel like family. Okay, I’ll stop with the mushy gushy stuff for now and introduce you all and hear directly from them what they do, how much coffee it takes to get through a day and so on. Let’s do this!

First up, well, we’ll start the original gangsta around these parts…me.

1. What career did you want to do when you were little? I became obsessed with putting things in bags at a very young age. I would practice putting books into library bags dreaming about the day that I would be able to do so professionally. If that didn’t pan out, my fallback option was to be a bagger at a grocery store.

2. What do you do here at LIY? A little bit of everything! Being the CEO [is that what you call it?!] and founder of LIY, I’ve got my hands in just about all things here. Between writing blog posts, writing and sending the email newsletter, searching for content [ie: good sales, new arrivals, etc] to post on Facebook, posting on Instagram and Instagram stories, interacting with readers, managing the team [they make my job way too easy], taking daily outfit photos and now – creating and overseeing the clothing line collaboration with Gibson [launching March 8th at Nordstrom, eeeek] my days are certainly busy but very satisfying!

3. How many cups of coffee does it take to get through the workday? I was always a one cup a day girl…until the past year. I now require two cups – one first thing in the morning and another after lunch. The afternoon struggle is real, caffiene helps.

4. What’s your FAVORITE thing about your job? Oh gosh, it’s hard to pick just one. Ultimately what it boils down to is I love that I get to help women feel confident, sometimes make em’ laugh and do so alongside these brilliant women you’ll meet below…often while sitting in a robe at 2 pm on a Tuesday afternoon 😉

5. What’s your guilty pleasure? I would say macaroni and cheese but no part of me feels guilty about that. Wine at 11 am on a Monday sometimes? The Bachelor? Again, not guilty – just pleasures.

Next up, the very first LIY team member, Becca, who joined in January of 2017 as the Creative Director!

1. What career did you want to do when you were little? When I was in Middle School I saw a chef at Pizza Hut slice an entire pizza in probably 5 seconds flat. It was magical! From that day forward, I knew there was nothing else I wanted to do with my life but be a “pizza cutter”. That or be a teacher.

2. What do you do here at LIY? Dream & create! In my role as creative director, I get the chance to imagine all the possibilities of what LIY could be! I come up with new ideas or content, write the occasional blog post, lead meetings to help get the team’s creative juices flowing, and head up brand extensions [a.k.a. any projects that we might take on that are outside of our normal blog activities — think the upcoming gibsonXLIY clothing line!]. I also am the team’s lead graphic designer, and have made it my mission that everything we produce is fun & beautiful!

3. How many cups of coffee does it take to get through the workday? My day doesn’t start until I’ve had a cup of coffee by the fire with my hubby. Then I grab another cup the minute I get to the office. And I usually a third to get me through the afternoon. In the words of my spirit animal, Lorelai Gilmore, “I can’t stop drinking the coffee. I stop drinking the coffee, I stop doing the standing and the walking and the words putting into sentence doing!”

4. What’s your FAVORITE thing about your job? The chance I have to be endlessly creative while working alongside such amazing women who encourage and support each other every single day!

5. What’s your guilty pleasure? Well, I already mentioned Gilmore Girls, which has been playing on repeat at my house for the past 18 years. Along those same lines, I love anything nostalgic, so you will often find me singing along to 90s pop and rewatching Harry Potter for the umpteenth time.

Next up, we have Steph — she came on in May of 2017 as what started out as the Operations Assistant and has now transformed into the Strategic Analyst + Project Manager.

1. What career did you want to do when you were little?  My elementary school dreams consisted of grocery store bagger and a bank teller (Fun fact- Dreams come true people, I did both of those during college!) As a high school student I thought maybe a lawyer.

2. What do you do here at LIY? Organize all the things! I communicate with brands on potential collaborations, create timelines for blog posts & collaborations, develop monthly goals and communicate due dates to keep us on track for those things. I also work on Facebook ads and Pinterest!

3. How many cups of coffee does it take to get through the workday? COFFEE, COFFEE, COFFEE. I drink 1-2 cups in the morning depending on when I get up + 1 for the afternoon slump!

4. What’s your FAVORITE thing about your job? Being a part of a team where we’re encouraged and empowered to use our individual talents in the best way we know how! We have such different skill sets, it’s so fun to see what we can do together!

5. What’s your guilty pleasure? I feel like that list is endless! Afternoon coffee, reality tv, putting hot chocolate powder on my ice cream [it’s amazing, you need to try it!], going immediately to my bed after the kids are asleep if my husband is out of town [reading, maybe a coffee and bowl of ice cream with hot chocolate powder + reality tv… the ultimate indulgence!]

Next on the lineup, we have Cassidy who started back in May as the Creative Intern for the summer and once she graduates this May from college, she will officially be the Digital Media + Social Outreach Specialist.

1. What career did you want to do when you were little? Texas Hold’em Poker Dealer in VEGAS.

2. What do you do here at LIY? Here at LIY, I am the Digital Media + Social Outreach Specialist! First, I handle all things video, from shooting, to editing, to producing. I also work under the lovely Creative Director, Becca and help handle graphic design tasks! Second, I will be leading LIY’s social outreach initiative, meaning that we will be dedicating a focus of our company into helping our local community.

3. How many cups of coffee does it take to get through the workday? 2.5, I am infamous for leaving the last half behind!

4. What’s your FAVORITE thing about your job? Being able to be creative!!! Seriously, our creativity is so valued in this company and it is liberating! ALSO, working with such inspiring women! I love these gals!

5. What’s your guilty pleasure? Answer: Starbucks + eating peanut butter straight from the jar!

Hannah here joined the team in October of 2017 and what started as the Operations Assistant, soon turned into our Sales & Product Specialist. The common theme here is that nobody remains Operations Assistant. Oops. 1. What career did you want to do when you were little? I was obsessed with soccer when I was younger and LOVED Mia Hamm and David Beckham so I wanted to be a professional soccer player!!! I also loved working with kids so I wanted to be a teacher!

2. What do you do here at LIY? ALLLLLLL the Sales lol!!!! I check for all of the best deals, new arrivals and products you ladies love!! I manage the hello@livinginyellow.com email box, add orders to our product inventory, work on returns. AND I add all of Erin’s daily outfits to the blog shop page and help produce the Weekly Roundup!

3. How many cups of coffee does it take to get through the workday? Maybe 1? I have a TON of natural energy in the morning [which can be a little overwhelming to people] but I definitely need that 3 o’clock pick me up!!

4. What’s your FAVORITE thing about your job? I LOVE finding all of the best deals for your ladies!! It makes me so happy to be able to help our tribe find their favorite items on sale or alternative items that won’t break their budget and still give them the chance to treat themselves!!! I also love that I get to work with such an amazing group of creative, empowering, kind, hilarious, driven group of women!!! They truly put their talent and hard work into everything they do and it is so inspiring to me!!

5. What’s your guilty pleasure? Trashy tv, CHOCOLATE/Sweets, LOVE LOVE LOVE Late 90’s Early 2000’s movies [You’ve Got Mail, Serendipity While You Were Sleeping, 10 Things I Hate About You, Runaway Bride, My Best Friend’s Wedding and the list goes on!!!], Quiet time when my kids are napping, Olive Garden, and coaching soccer

And last but certainly not least, our newest addition to Team LIY – Claire who just started a mere month ago as the Community Engagement Specialist. Yes, we like legit titles around here if you haven’t picked up on that by now 😉 1. What career did you want to do when you were little? A veterinarian! I’ve always been a huge animal lover!

2. What do you do here at LIY? Communicate with YOU! I answer messages, visitor posts, and help Erin out with comments. I also feature followers in #womancrushwednesday posts and help out with giveaways. Most importantly, I report back to the team about popular trends and requests from the LIY Tribe.

3. How many cups of coffee does it take to get through the workday? Only one first thing in the morning! Warning: don’t speak to me until I’ve had it.

4. What’s your FAVORITE thing about your job? Working with such a powerhouse group of women and getting to see the incredible impact we have on other women every day!

5. What’s your guilty pleasure? Reality TV, I hate to love it. Ice cream year round! Shoes and handbags, it has become a serious problem. Might be time for an intervention…

Annnnnnnd phew, there we have it! The brains and the beauties behind what goes on here at Living In Yellow. We are so thankful that YOU have helped make a way for us here at LIY and we are fully aware that without you, we would not be here working our laptop fingers to the bone 🙂 If you have any questions, feel free to drop em’ below and we will be sure to answer! Hope you enjoyed getting to know the team a little bit more!


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