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Life Lately

September 15, 2017


Oh hey there, that’s me just chillin’ with my new tattoo. The story goes something like this – on my way home from Seattle this past Sunday I got a text from a friend saying “wanna go with me to get my tattoo this week?” to which I replied “duuuuuuh, yesssss” which prompted her to ask if I wanted to get one as well which resulted in “I guess so, why not?!” [seems logical] and so here we are. The funny thing about me and tattoos is that both times now that I have decided I am going to get one, I commit to the act of getting a tattoo before knowing what the heck I even want. I am going to venture to say that for most people it is the other way around, however, thankfully it’s worked out okay in both situations. If you care to read about my first tattoo see this and then this for very serious LIY style instructions on how to get a tattoo. Back to that thing on the side of my wrist though for a second – what is it you ask? I imagine that’s a question I will receive a lot for the remainder of my life [yaaay, me!] Well you see my friends, it is Maggie’s [our pup of 11 years who passed away earlier this year] ear. Hear me out [that was an ear pun, FYI] on this one…okay, do you see this cute little ear?That ear just so happened to make me the happiest woman alive for those 11 years of her life. Every time she saw us, every time you said her name, every time you said her best friend’s name [yes, she had a best friend], every time you gave her a treat, every time you told her you loved her and scratched that cute little stomach, that ear would pop right up. I kinda wish human ears had that pop factor, how fun! Long story short, that ear not only reminds me of her [duh, it is her ear] but it also reminds me to hold on to that same infectious type of ear popping excitement about life and spread it around like crazy. So yes, my new tattoo is of her ear with a tiny little M in the one corner – mad props to Becca, our Creative Director here at LIY, for designing that literally seconds before I went under the needle. Let that be a lesson to everybody – hire a Creative Director, your tattoo game will flourish. There were a few minutes before she jumped to the design rescue that I was severely nervous that it looked like the tip of a penis was about to go on my arm [am I allowed to say those words on here]?! It’s not that I have anything against that part of the body, it’s just that I don’t know if I’m ready to quite commit to that on my body for life, you know? But hey, to each their own.

Aside from getting that tat on a whim, life is feeling a little [a lot] exhausting right now. I don’t really know why other than the fact that literally, every day feels like I’m living a giant to-do list that literally never gets done. I feel like everybody reading most likely just took a deep breath, sighed and said, “yeah me too”. Being overwhelmed is the most paralyzing feeling to me [I take that back, anxiety wins that competition] but truly, when I get overwhelmed I get not just stuck, but I get cranky, exhausted, full of doubt, ignore 99.9% of people calling, texting, emailing and try to find some magical solution to just run away from it all. The bad news is that the only way I have actually found to run away from it all is to actually run right towards it and accomplish the dumb thing. I’m just saying that it would be really cool if life had an “escape to the Caribbean” pass every time life felt a little outta control. Somebody, quick, work on that.

This weekend we have a black-tie fundraiser event which means one thing, fancy. Well, fancy and cocktails. The good news is that I forgot all about it until earlier this week when it dawned on me that I still didn’t have a dress for the thing so low and behold, I logged into my Rent The Runway account and 4 of the 5 dresses I had saved for this event were not available anymore! Repeat after me “do not procrastinate like Erin”, but this lovely thing was just chillin’ in my cart saying “wear me! I promise I’ll try to look nice for you!” so I took it up on its word and am giving it a go. It should arrive in approximately 8 hours to which I will know if it’s a liar or truth teller. We are going to have a real problem if it’s a liar.

Aside from that, I am getting my first spray tan of my life tonight [WHO AM I] so we will see what type of orange shenanigans I can get myself into with that. The bummer news is that when you are getting a spray tan you are expected to shave your legs. I was holding out strong at a solid three weeks until this had to go and ruin my life. I just keep telling myself “it’s okay Erin, winter is coming” so you know, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Okay, I think I am supposed to go now in hopes of scratching the trillion other things off my list. Remind me to write down “make macaroni and cheese for lunch” on my list next time. K, thanks, bye.

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