1. A Breakfast Picnic – We’ve all had a picnic on our list for a date at some point in time I am sure, but why not switch things up a bit and instead of partaking in the traditional lunch picnic, hit up your favorite park first thing in the morning while the world is still quiet? Break out the mimosas, pack up your favorite fruit and cheeses, buy a package or two of your favorite pastries from the local deli and take in the morning together. There is no better way to spell date than c-h-a-m-p-a-g-n-e. Add in a side of music [this bluetooth cooler is so fun] and a decorative beach towel and you’re all set.
Artist Circle Speaker Cooler Handbags
2. Rent canoes or kayaks for the day. There is nothing more peaceful than being out on the water getting a little exercise together. Take it slow, enjoy a beer or two along the way and take in nature along the way. You can typically find rental places near any larger body of water!
3. Walk dogs at your local animal shelter. This is probably one of my favorite date ideas. If you didn’t know this, many animal or rescue shelters are always looking for volunteers to come play with or walk their animals. Make a date out of it by having you and your partner go volunteer for a few hours. You’ll be helping out those cute little creatures and having so much fun in the process!
4. Tour your city/town via bike. Pretend to be a tourist for a day together! Either bust out your own bikes from the garage or find a local bike rental shop and put your feet to the pedals all around your own city. Go down streets you don’t normally, stop in at your favorite coffee shop along the way, snap some photos at the most “instagram worthy” spots and roll all around town.
5. Go antiquing together. It’s okay to be 28 going on 67 together. Antiquing or thrift store shopping together can be so much fun! Because many antique stores are usually clustered together, you can make a few hours out of it. Make it a challenge to find the most unique thing in the store and see what each other can come up with.
6. Take a class together [cooking, pottery, painting, etc]. They say you should never stop learning – exercise this motto by attending a local class that is offering a “how to” on a skill you haven’t yet perfected. This may mean a macaroon making class for some, a paint your own pottery for others or under water basket weaving for others. Whatever it is, sign up and get to learnin’.
7. Plan a surprise day trip. One of my favorite trips will always be the time when Shawn planned a surprise vacation for me. I knew we were going somewhere, I just didn’t know where. Each take a turn planning a surprise day trip for each other and don’t tell the other where you are going. From your final destination to your activities, meals and everything in between – surprise the heck out of them and they will love you forever.
8. Miniature Golf or Disc Golf. This is one of my favorite past time dates with Shawn. Before we were married we went miniature golfing on several occasions and it was always so much fun. Maybe it’s my competitive spirit but when you make anything a game it’s a good time in my opinion. While I haven’t ever played disc golf, I hear that is a lot of fun as well. Head to a local park and get your disc skills on.
9. Go berry or apple picking. I have yet to do this but it sounds fun so I’m adding it to my list! Better yet – go grape picking, stomp on those suckers and make yourself some wine. Just go pick something and then if you get real adventurous, turn it into pie or something healthy like that 😉
If you need a cute outfit for such an activity [or any of the ones listed here] have no fear – this little romper is here.
10. Give it forward. Who says a date needs to be all about you two? Instead, do something generous for others. Find a corner booth at a local coffee shop, give the cashier $50 to buy people’s drinks and sit from afar and watch the delight on people’s faces as they learn somebody [YOU!] did something nice for them! And that my friends, will be a satisfying time together.
11. Tackle a home project together. Those cabinets that need painted, the door that needs hung, the fire pit that you’ve been saying you want to build in your backyard – move those “we need to do this” tasks to the “we just accomplished this” list together. One of my favorite memories was building our outdoor fire pit together. Get down and dirty together, it will be richly satisfying 😉
12. Create your own local foodie tour. Another personal favorite that I want to do this summer. Sure, you have your favorite spots that you gravitate towards on most weekends, but why not switch things up and hit up some local favorites, new joints in town, holes in the wall you haven’t ever stopped in at, etc. Make a day out of it and create your own local tour! Map out your stops and maybe even pick something for the other that you want them to try! Do you have a favorite flavor of ice cream that your better half hasn’t ever tried? What about his favorite margarita? Give it a day where you go try alllllll of the things. Warning – a nap may follow.
13. Hit up a local beach. This one is pretty basic, but it’s always a good time. Pack up the beach bag, throw in a volleyball or paddle ball and head off to your nearest beach for a day of sun and relaxation.
14. Plan an intentional conversation meeting. We all have things that we need to talk about – whether it be big or small, that you find yourself saying “we’ll talk about it soon” and then soon never comes. Maybe it’s planning a house move, discussing a budget or trying to figure out if you like Parmesan or Muenster cheese better as a couple. Hit up your favorite local brewery, coffee shop or winery and find a quiet spot to tackle that subject.
15. Go beer or wine tasting [or both!] Nothing says summer more than an ice cold brew or glass of sweet wine in your hand. Spend some time together discovering local breweries or wineries in your town. Similar to the food tour, map out your route and hit the ground sipping. Now would be a good time to take advantage of Uber..just sayin’.
16. Attend a local festival. I don’t know about where you live, but there are several festivals around our neck of the woods to partake in on any given summer day. My favorites typically involve food, live music and of course – drinks. Take in the sights and sounds together and if you feel inclined, dress like a bowl of lemons along the way.