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Fix Mix: An Experiment

September 11, 2013


Erin Schrader

**This post is in no way sponsored but just a fun experiment that I got to test out. While I of course would love to be compensated for this post, I am not. This means I will now be more broke by the end of these paragraphs than when I began. Continue on now.**
It’s no secret around here that I am an avid user of Stitch Fix considering I’m on fix number ten thousand, I mean 14,  or something like that. When the fine ladies over at Stitch Fix asked if I would be up for “experimenting” a new concept that they are trying out I knew I had to say yes.  Experiments and I typically don’t get along all that well (ie: in the kitchen) but this one I figured I could handle. Some of you may be aware of how the typical process works with Stitch Fix—you fill out your style profile, a stylist will work their tail off to find items suitable to your tastes/sizes/etc, and then you receive your own personal “fix” with 5 items in which you choose what you want to keep or send back. This is all great and fun but when Stitch Fix came up with the idea to take this same concept but add in a few bottles of wine, food, decoration, gift bags, and about 15 girlfriends..well it gets a lot more great and fun. So that’s what I did. I invited some of my lady friends over for an evening full of fashion. Each one of the girls who came filled out their style profiles in advance and a day prior to the party I received all (16) fixes. Imagine the joy that ran through my body when my eyes were introduced to this sight.

You know what it feels like on Christmas Day when you get to distribute everybody’s presents and you all eagerly wait in anticipation to find out what’s inside? Take that feeling and times it by about infinity. That’s how it felt minus the awkward “oh my gosh I love this…..not” type of fake outs that occur at most gift opening events. Not only did we all get to open our boxes and decide what we wanted to keep or send back—we got to go through each other’s boxes and “shop” their items. If you do the math we had approximately (okay exactly) 80 pieces of clothing/jewelry to rummage through. Throw in a few glasses of wine and you can imagine the amount of “Oh my gossssssssssh that is SO cute on you”s that were said. I think I held the record with saying it about 218 times. I can’t help it, cute things excite me.

Overall it was such a fun evening and I’m already scheming a way to be able to do this again. As a side note note, Stitch Fix hasn’t decided whether or not they are going to go launch this “Fix Mix” idea as it is strictly in experimental mode but stay tuned to either their site or blog for if/when it becomes available. You want to do this with your friends, believe me. Hashtag best time ever. Believe it. Huge thank you to Stitch Fix for this fun opportunity to come together with a lovely bunch of friends and drop loads of cash. Our husbands hate you. We love you.
PS.  Stitch Fix did send me the décor and gift bags to use. Lord knows there is no way in H I would have ever been smart enough to hang balls from the ceiling. Balls. Hanging from a ceiling. Who knew? I should also mention that hanging those few items was probably one of the more stressful moments of my life and almost made me say words I hear in rap songs. I guess I’m just mentioning all of this to say props to those of you who don’t find tying some fishing line through a hook  to be the most mentally exhausting task on the face of the planet.

 PPS. As far as the food that I prepared—the recipes are all found here: Sweet Sausage Rolls // Macaroni and Cheese Muffins // Peanut Butter Stuffed Brownies // Fruit Cups // Summertime Sangria. Shawn kept informing me that I was going “way overboard” and I kept reminding him “no hunny..there are about 20 girls that will be here. It will ALL get eaten.” Turns out girls don’t eat when they are trying on clothes. If anybody needs about 200 meatballs, five bags of chips and salsa, a pound of macaroni and cheese, and a few bottles of wine—hit me up. I think I know where you can find some.

PPPS. The party was held in our basement because well yeah—our main level. Still not finished. Hence the vast array of sports // motorcycle // drum set paraphernalia that my husband has so graciously adorned the walls with down there. Nothing screams feminine like a few “PLAY LIKE A CHAMPION TODAY” posters screaming at your face.
PPPS. These are the items that I kept from last night’s Fix Mix party. Thoughts?


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