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Weekly Happenings + Findings

August 23, 2013


Erin Schrader

it’s friday. have a drink on me.

Reporting in after a good ole fashion sweaty night run followed up with fabulous shower complete with mint shampoo and conditioner <–seriously amaze stuff right there. To be honest I thought there was no way in H I would be stopping by this space tonight as my eyelids have been playing this game with me tonight called “SHUT!!” That’s all they seem to want to do, which is exactly why I just went on a run. I’ve learned in these short 27 years that whenever your mind is telling you to do one thing you should do the exact opposite. My mind says sleep, my conscious says run. My mind says McDonalds french fries, my conscious says steamed edamame. My mind says don’t write a blog post, my dad says “you no blog no more?” So there we have it. I ran, I ate edamame, and I am blogging. Job well done conscious slash father. I figured being that it’s Friday and all I would just cap off some recent week findings/happenings. Here we go. 

+ Cigars. Not to be smoked just by men. The end. 

+ Spotify. Do you all use it? I’m hooked. For like $10 bucks a month you can have all of the music in the world. Sorry iTunes but we are officially over. Maybe don’t download Forever and Always by Parachute and listen to it on repeat while tears stream down your face though. However, do download Don’t Wake Me Up and fist pound like nobody’s business. You’re welcome. Oh and Get it Started by Pitbull. Your fist will love you forever. 

+ Patience. Turns out I don’t have any. I know this only because our house is approximately 27% done in the painting department. It’s going to be a long 73%. 

+ I just had to use a calculator to take 100 minus 27 to come up with 73. Have I mentioned yet that I work at a financial institution? 

+ Speaking of my job, somebody by the name of me just got her hours cut and will be making my way to part-time in the next few months. Blogging, I love you. 

+ I was scrolling through Alissa’s tweets tonight and after a few inspiring quotes I realized she was quoting this book

And now I think I need to purchase said book because let’s be real, who doesn’t want to do cool sh*t

+ So I have cellulite on my legs. It’s not really awesome. However I saw this whole dry brushing thing that Raven raves about and now I’m going to try it. Any of you have experience with this? Help a sister and her legs out. K thanks. 

+ New sponsor options have been decided on and will be announced next week. It’s stupid how back and forth I go on all that stuff but I think I finally feel good with what I am planning on doing. Stay tuned. 

+ While I may have cellulite, my face has remained pretty clear ever since I started using Neutrogena Acne Stress Control wash + scrub in the last year or two. And no this isn’t sponsored but I swear by this stuff so ladies, if you are having any trouble in the acne department, try this stuff. Game changer. 

+ Arizona. After an exhausting process, you have been selected as our travel destination for our 7th, 8th, I forget anniversary. I’m expecting your face to still be beautiful. Please don’t disappoint.

+ Tired. I still am. 


Capping off today by sharing with you this incredibly awesome and beautiful lady

I am dying over the cuteness that abounds above. I mean those boys. I can’t even handle it all. Natalia has such an inspiring outlook towards life and truly a great blog to spend some time at. Get to know her better and then pay her a visit!

When did you start blogging and why?
I started blogging in 2011. At that point, I was living in France away from family & friends & my two boys were sick for weeks at a time. You know, the kind of sick where one starts to get better & then the other gets it. I had been living in my sweats, rarely did my makeup, let alone tried to be any kind of fashionable. After a weekend trip to London with a girlfriend I started to remember that I used to be cute. I used to do my hair & makeup & take pride in the way I looked. I had totally lost sight of what it meant to take care of myself. I love my husband & kids, but I needed some ‘me time.’ I started my blog called “Ma Nouvelle Mode” which means “My new style” in French. Appropriately fitting because I seriously needed some new style & I was living in France at the time!
You have one food that you could eat the rest of your life–what would it be?
Oh man, this is a toughy. Bread. I have lived in France on and off for 5 years now and it’s got me hooked on bread. Pain chocolate, baguettes, flavored bread, they have it all. If I could add a second, it would be cheese. But the gourmet cheese straight from the farm. mmm… France may have spoiled me a bit.

What inspires you?

A lot of things. Parenting because it’s so crazy and beautiful and hard. Trying to stay cute while doing all those crazy, beautiful, hard things. I love to try to find looks, whether it’s beauty or fashion, that work for moms & still are cute & help us feel good about ourselves. Just because I’m a mom doesn’t mean I have to put myself last or not let myself have any time. I try to embrace my role & balance that with the things that I do that I like. Other bloggers, internet, and of course, Pinterest!

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