Tonight the man and I took the boat out on which seemed to be the most perfect of all perfect nights. The temperature was right at that point where you don’t drip sweat and you don’t start freezing the minute the boat reaches more than 10 mph. We like these type of temperatures. Aside from that, hardly a single soul was out on the water which left this giant piece of paradise all to ourselves. If lakers didn’t keep stupid binoculars in their house it could have been an even more enjoyable moment for the man and I if you know what I mean. It’s that dang book I’m reading, sorry people but holy goodness. For those of you who aren’t looking to get frisky anytime soon stay away from 50 Shades of Grey, that’s all I’m going to say about that. Well one more thing. I have some pretty funny text messages on my phone between friends and I right now because we are mature like that and all. Which reminds me–I should tell you about the time in elementary school and they made us watch that crazy video about guys and girls. I handled it with nothing but class and sophistication.
I think I just forgot for a giant paragraph that I am supposed to be doing an outfit post right now where I rave about an awesome shop rather than get into a conversation about all things hot and steamy. Sorry shop I am about to brag about. That had to be the most awkward intro you’ve ever received….
Back to the point at hand. Clothing and jewelry. Well it should be no surprise by now that I am absolutely crazy about all things mint right now. If I could paint my entire body mint I would most likely do it. So when I spotted this minty fresh necklace from Crave Jewels I knew I needed it my closet stat. Why? Because why not? Look at it.