If there is one time of the year that I love the most…it’s this one.
Right behind spring, summer, and fall of course.
But really, I do love me some Christmas.
I especially love me some Christmas decor, Jessica Simpson on blast, and peppermint smelling candles. Definitely the peppermint smelling candles…. If it wasn’t for the flames and the wax, I would most likely eat them.
Instead I turn to my trusty partner in crime, peppermint schnapps.
Anyhow, you may remember way back when I announced an ornament swap that was going down between my blog and Jessah’s blog over at Dreaming of Dimples (that’s funny Jess–I dream of cute men with dimples all the time too ;)..) Well that ornament swap…it went down.
You see those two little diddys in the last picture up there? Those would be my ornaments that Jessah sent me. I actually don’t think Jessah was the one that was supossed to send me my ornaments, however because she is amazing//talented//gorgeous//one of the most organized people I’ve ever met in my entire life, she took the liberty of sending me some precious little ornies. Thank you lady, I love them.
I had the exciting task of sending an ornament to Janna at Perception is Everything. Guess you’ll just have to hop your way over there to see what she was given 🙂 You should also hop on over there and wish her well as her husband just returned home from serving overseas. Thank you Mr. Army Man.
I suppose now that all of my Christmas decorations are up, I should go enjoy them.
It’s either that or string some lights around this computer screen.
I think I’ll go ahead and go enjoy my tree, thank you very much.
And for the record, yes..I do just sit on the floor and stare at my tree and smile.
You should try it, it’s fun.
ps. how much cuter is the word “ornies” than ornaments? i’m rather obsessed.
#ornies…it’s about to be trending, mark my words.
pps. If you participated in the ornament swap–make sure to link up your big ball reveal party below. “big ball reveal” actually means your ornament reveal. I mean ornie reveal. You get the point. Regardless, I’m excited to see your balls.
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