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On Playing Blog Favorites

December 13, 2012


Erin Schrader

We all have them…some more than others.
I am a huge “favorite” person.
The socks I stole from my boss today? They are now my favorite.
Sitting under the Christmas tree? My favorite place to sit.
Mac and cheese? No need for a further explanation on this one.
Blogs? Yes I have my favorites.
The ones that I must read every day. The ones that I go to to be inspired. To learn something. To be motivated to write better myself. Or in some cases, just to get a good laugh in.

Bonnie is one of my absolute favorites.
I refer to her as a “blogging genius” and have even begged her to “strategize” with me.
The word “strategize” more so means just steal all of her braniac blogging ideas.
Kidding Bonnie. Unless your into that idea of course?

Anyhow, she is here today to share with you all what it will be like the day her and I meet-up.
Homegirl has a pretty good feel for me I must say.
Read below, be entertained, and then go to her blog and read through every post she has ever written.
It’s that good.
Amazballs in fact (wink wink).

Read below and the wink wink will make sense.


Why hello there, Living in Yellow readers!  My name is Erid and I write over at Living in Red!

I kid.  I kid.  But I almost got you, right?

Okay, for reals now.  The name is Bonnie Blackburn Larsen and writing nonsense is my game.  Sometimes I get in trouble for what I write, but that’s just the way the cookie crumbles.  The husband’s name is Greg and I’ve been told I would be a fool for letting the internet Gods know my husband’s name because now they can steal our identities and invade our home, GASP!  Therefore, to protect us from cyber devils and because it seems somehow hip I have named him Hubs.  I pride myself on originality.
This is me in my very sexiest form.  I look like this about 0.0021% of my life.  Maybe less.

This is me in my ugliest form- dressed up as Voldemort for midnight Harry Potter premieres. 
I just felt like from the get go you needed to know me in my best and worst forms.  Just know that usually I am somewhere in the middle of those two extremities, but creeping over more into the Voldemort side, no doubt.
If you are still interested in me, (oh this sounds so romantic!) you have a couple of options from here.
Option #1: I adore Erin.  And have for a long time now.  I have a cyber/blog/One-day-I-am-going-to -surprise-her-and-show-up-at-her-door kind of love for Erin.  Even though she lives in …. Indiana?  (right, Erin?) and I live in Utah I have a dream that one day we shall meet.  And when we do it’s going to change the world as we know it.  Keep reading where I will tell you exactly how a Bonnie/Erin meet up would go down.

Option #2: Visit my blog where you may read all my rambling to your heart’s content.  You might wanna check out this post which will give you a very personal, loving tour of the blog and a guide to the greatest posts- the romantic ones about my Hub-a-dubs, the ones about teaching high school to bratty teenagers, and even the scandalous ones. (That post was written back in March in honor of the first time I sponsored Living in Yellow back when a feature ad was $20.  Oh how times have changed!)

Option #3:  While at my blog, enter Wednesday’s giveaway- jewelry galore, Starbucks, and Target.  What more could a girl want?!?

Option #4:  All of the above
(Pick #4!  Pick #4)
Let’s dive right in, shall we?



The day would start off early.  Both Erin and I are early risers because we like to get work done.  In this case, though, I don’t think we’d be doing much work.  Just giggling.  Yes, Erin.  When you and I get together we are going to giggle non stop.

First thing I would want a tour of Erin’s gorgeous house.  I’ve seen snippets of it before, but I want a full blow tour, dang it!  I would likely spend a lot of time in Erin’s blogging office.  Mostly because I am fascinated/ insanely jealous that Erin has a whole room of the house devoted to her blog.  I would then most likely try to steal a picture or some other insanely awesome gadget she has lying around in there.  Erin would probably see me and just let me keep it Les Mis style.

Next, we’d probably plop down on the couch for a little morning TV.  I would want to watch Keeping up with the Kardashians, but because I love Erin I would probably be willing to watch Guiliana and Bill.  We’d probably both agree on at least an hour of Teen Mom to convince us both that Baby Time is nowhere in sight.  I might even cuddle up with this little fur ball, because chances are that if I was all the way out in Indiana I’d be missing my own pup.

Finally about 11 am we’d drag ourselves off the couch and get ready to hit the town.  I would definitely DEFINITELY raid Erin’s closet.  My teacher pencil skirts and cardigan sweaters don’t always do it for me.  Bubble necklaces and high heels, here I come!

(P.S.  If you haven’t seen Erin’s closet post you really need to.  But I’m warning you.  It’ll make you sick with envy.)

Once I was all dolled up in Erin’s clothes we’d hit up all the popular spots that Erin loves so much- Target, Ikea, Target, and then Target one more time!  I’m a really scared/non committal buyer.  So I’d try on a million things, pick out two, and then on my way to the register put them back and instead buy a pack of Starbursts.  Then I’d sit in the little Target cafe and drink a diet coke while Erin continued her shopping. My guess would be that upon check out, Erin would have anywhere from 12-15 items.  I would immediately ask her if I could borrow some of her new clothes.

After an afternoon full of shopping, we’d probably stop at a little coffee shop to relax a bit.  The conversation would turn to blogging and I would most likely awkward confess what an inspiration Erin is to me.  We’d talk blog strategies- giveaways, link ups, guest posts, what does all the madness mean?!?  I’d ask her how her book is coming along that she is writing and we’d talk great big goals and important bloggy dreams.

At some point in the conversation Erin might say the word, “Amazeballs” and I’d turn to her and say, “Girl!  You gotta stop saying that word!  The whole blogosphere is obsessed with it and it’s totally overused!”  and she would say, “Oh, Bonnie.  Don’t you know I do what I want?”  And then I would say, “Touche, Erin, Touche.”

The conversation then might  turn to things that are bigger than blogs and the word “Amazeballs”.  We might talk about life, about love, about our religion,s about all the things that make our little hearts beat.  We’d talk about marriage- the difficulties and the blessings.  I’d ask to see Erin’s wedding pictures and hear all about her “pre blog life.” I would love to know what inspired her to get married young, what her first year of marriage was like, when she wants to have her own mini Erins.  I’d confess to her that marriage is much harder than I ever dreamed of, but in the same breath, much more rewarding, much more fulfilling, much more fun.  In a moment of weakness I might tell her I secretly want babies but that I am not so secretly very very very very very terrified of them. (Did I get enough verys?)

After two or three hours in the coffee shop the afternoon would be far spent.  Erin might take me to a football game (Duke?), or a Karaoke bar.  We might even do a stirring rendition of “Man, I feel like a woman” or something equally as liberating for women.  Because for some reason I feel like Erin would like that.  And I know she’d rock that Mic.

OR….  maybe Erin, Shawn, and I would just cuddle up and watch a movie.  In our Snuggies, obviously.  Erin would definitely have her trusty wine glass handy and I would most certainly be holding on tight to an ice cold diet coke and a bowl of buttery popcorn.  We’d probably laugh at the same jokes or even if I didn’t think it was funny, I’d probably laugh just because Erin and Shawn were laughing and I like to laugh when other people are laughing.

Within 30 minutes I’d be asleep.

And that my friends, is how the day would unfold.

For now I’ll just have to stick to my daydreaming about meeting Erin… a visit to Indiana is nowhere in site.  Wait a second… I do have a lot of credit card miles I’ve saved up… maybe… hey Erin?  You gotta couch I can sleep on this weekend?!?

Don’t forget to come say hi!  MWAH!

To answer your question Bonnie, yes.
I do have a couch. 
And it suddenly has your name written all over it. 


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