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October 16, 2012


Erin Schrader

Hey kids.
I know you are just DYING to hear all about my time from Influence (that may have been written with an ounce or two of sarcasm)…..but you are going to have to wait one more day for that shaz.
I took in so much. Felt so much. And have so much to write.
custom notebook: Shades of Color Art (obsessed)
But guess what—I am still incredibly tired and haven’t had a second to breathe and really absorb all that I took in. In fact, I haven’t had time yet to go buy my husband an anniversary card which happened to be on Sunday. Woops. We celebrated by painting. It was magical.
I’m not going to say that somebody may have spilled an entire gallon of paint on the new carpet, but somebody may have spilled a gallon of paint on the new carpet.
Thankfully that person was not I.
Happy anniversary babe.
Your gift of hardwood floors that you weren’t planning on giving is so appreciated.
So because I have to go process things (by sleeping in bed…) I am going to leave you with the other coolest cat on the block. Not that I am cool but…..
Renee is a beaut.
And she believes in a whole lot of stuff I believe in.
Like wine.
And Luke Bryan.
Clearly she has her head on straight…..
You know what, just see for yourself.

Ohh snap.
I’m sure y’all are thinking dang Erin, really another guest post?
And I’m also sure that in two point five seconds y’all will be like peace out.

Your loss really. I’m that awesome. I kid. Sorta.
I’m Renee and I blog over at This Won’t Hurt A Bit. I’m twenty-six. I’m not married. I don’t have any kids or furbabies to blog about. I mainly blog about life. The ups and downs and whatever I feel like really. I’m a nurse and usually work in CVICU (Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit). 
And I don’t usually wear cowboy hats… only for photo-ops!
I loaded up my car a few months ago, left my job and my home state of Mississippi and decided to give travel nursing a shot. In California. That’s ohhh, only about 2000 miles from MS. It was scary as hell but completely worth it. I’ve been in NorCal since the beginning of June and can’t wait to get back to The South. Land of sweet tea and SEC, among other things. 🙂
So I decided to steal a post idea of Erin’s to entertain all you ladies with today. And by steal I mean borrow nicely (with her permission of course) because I missed out on the linkup a few weeks back.
You all remember her ‘I Believe’ linkup right? Well prepare yourselves, because it’s time to find out what your newest homegirl Renee believes in.
. . . . .

I believe in never taking yourself too seriously. You need to let the inner child out occasionally.

I believe in taking pictures. Of anything and everything. One day I will be old and senile and need the pictures to remember good times.

I believe you need a best friend who you can tell all your secrets to without fear of judgement.

I believe that ice cream and dessert makes life better. Never skip it. Unless you’re diabetic and in that case more for meeee.


I believe in watching television a lot. I might have a slight problem with this one.

I believe that breakups can create some of the worst heartaches ever felt, but if it’s meant to be then it will be eventually.

I believe in prayer. No matter how big or small, I believe miracles happen daily.

I believe that live music is the best music.


I believe in wearing flip flops year round. Okay, well maybe not year round but as close as you can get.

I believe that tanning beds give you skin cancer, so instead I am the most pasty white person ever witnessed.

I believe that a cup of coffee and a good meal at your Granny’s house make you truly appreciate life.


I believe that a beer or glass of wine or margarita (I don’t discriminate.) is best when enjoyed with friends.

I believe in naps as often as you can take them.

I believe that every woman should know how to shoot a gun.


I believe in gift-giving frequently and oftentimes for no reason at all other than to brighten someone’s day.

I believe that some days are meant for not changing out of pajamas.

I believe that sporting events are best when actually attended.


I believe that you are never too young to start saving for retirement.

I believe in doing something that completely scares the crap out of you (i.e. moving cross country alone) every now and then. It makes you feel alive.

I believe in traveling whenever you have the chance. No matter where.


I believe in cuddling.

I believe that if you love someone you should say it as often as you can. Everyone needs to hear those three words. Family, Friends, Husbands, Wives… everyone.

I believe that sunsets and sunrises are one of the most beautiful sights on Earth and should be stopped and photographed no matter where you are.


I believe that you should learn from your mistakes.

I believe in forgiving other people when they make mistakes as well.

I believe in taking stealthy pics just for blogging purposes.

I believe in trying new things and taking chances.

And last but not least…

I believe that you should all come and visit my blog.
Making friends in the blogosphere is awesomesauce y’all!
Thanks Erin for letting me hijack your blog today! 


You are oh so welcome Renee.
I believe my readers should visit your blog as well.
Fancy that.


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