Let's Connect:




October 16, 2012


Erin Schrader

Where do I even begin?
I have so much to say that I am worried I will leave something out.
I know that I am still processing much of what I took in, so this post is not going to be complete.
In order to keep my thoughts somewhat together, I am going to bullet point this baby out.
1. The blogging community.
My roomies: Nat//Me//Nicole//Ginny
This weekend proved to me over and over again that this community we have, it is so real.
We are more than girls who sit behind a computer. We are interested in more than DSLR cameras, sidebar buttons, and sock buns. We each have a story to share. We each evoke genuine emotions (some of us more than others cough::crybaby me::cough). Yes, we may have met “online” but our relationships grow much deeper than that. I have never laughed harder or cried more than I did during this three day stint. These people are more than online friends. They are my homies, my people, my friends for life.
2. Strategy.
I may not come across as somebody who is interested in the logistical side of things (not that wine and my love for Giuliana Rancic aren’t logical…) but I am a huge strategy girl. I get a natural high talking new ideas. Better ways to do things. Risky moves….etc. This blog of mine hasn’t grown on accident. I put A LOT of thought and energy into how I’ve gotten here and where I want it to go.
At Influence I came away with a ton of new thoughts. This blog has some changes up it’s sleeve.
Heck, it may have a whole new blog up it’s sleeve. Sponsor options are changing. Collaborations will be made. Mentorship programs are being considered. Virtual Assistants are being hired. I am ready to change up the game. I want to work smarter. Connect better. And have a heck of a lot more fun along the way.
3. Influence
Jami Nato said this weekend “What the blogging community does NOT need is another person trying to make a name for themselves.” This blog is not intended for self glorifying purposes (although believe me, it can be awfully easy to forget that…). Now listen. I am not one to talk about Jesus much. I don’t in “real life” nor do you see me speaking much of Him on this blog. I just don’t. I could lie and say that I do but that would be..well a lie.
At the bottom of all of this is this: this is His blog. Ultimately, I am here to share the good news.
Not make a name for myself but to bring glory to His. I like funny. I like awkward. I like wine.
So guess what–I will talk about that. I am here to be real. Make you laugh. Show you love.
I have influence. You have influence. We all have influence. Always remember that people are watching us–be conscious of what type of influence you are making. My world was rocked this weekend on several occasions at the reminder of this.
My blog and more importantly, my life, will forever be changed from this conference.
I am sure this is just the brink of what else I will be sharing from what took place this weekend..but for now this is going to have to do. I have about twenty pages of notes to dive into.
It’s time for me to shut up and just listen.
Or sleep.
Sleep sounds very good as well……
Is it September 26th yet?


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