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Things That Make Me Excited.

August 22, 2012


Erin Schrader

So it’s true.
I’ve got some exciting things coming my way.
For starters, we all know football season is quickly approaching.
Football season is my favorite season of all.
I think solely for the fact that it’s the only sport that is considered it’s own “season”.
There is Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, and Football.
Way to prove all of those “there are only four seasons” fools wrong football.
Okay so I like football season for more than this reason.
I mean hello…the food.
Again, no other sport gives you an excuse to eat five pounds of chip dip, three crock pots worth of chili, and thirty team inspired cupcakes. In one sitting.
And then there are the tailgate activities.
One of which happens to my favorite.
Two words: Flippy Cup.
Aka the greatest game ever invented.
I am not sure if it is the flippy or the cup part but it’s pretty much genius if you ask me.
Heck, I don’t care if you fill those cups with water (which is what you do all of you minors reading..)
but bust out your best Solo cups and start flipping. You will soon be fascinated too.
Oh yeah, and there is the game of football.
That’s okay too I guess.
This year I am going to make a valiant effort at actually watching the game and not my iPad.
This of course will be determined on how cute the players on the screen are…no pressure players.
I mean you can’t all be Brady Quinn.
Second thing that has given me a little more pep in my step is the fact that in a few weeks I will be spending my days in this house with the coolest people on the planet. Those people being my family.

I have some big plans with that sun room right there.
Hint: It involves making a dent in that whole book writing process.
Whether or not the beach gets the best of me and causes my brain to forget that I was going to write a book, well… that is neither here nor there.

And last but certainly not least—I am excited to share some kick ace bloggers/shop owners with you. I don’t know if you love discovering new blogs as much as I do, but you should give it a shot.
Or perhaps take a few shots, and then read these blogs.
Told you it was exciting.
Raven is the first girl I am raving about (I am so clever).
I don’t think she requires much of an introduction.
If you aren’t already following her, you obviously don’t enjoy humor, a good dose of reality, or a quality boob job. Just follow Raven’s blog and then thank me later after you read every single post of hers (I honestly did that when I discovered her blog). May I suggest you start with this post? And then this one. And then yeah, like I said–read the whole dang blog. Little (un)known fact: My husband even reads her blog and he doesn’t read blogs. That’s how funny it is.
Next up is the oh so fabulous Sarah from Coming Unstitched.

I mean seriously, could the girl get any prettier? Sarah is one of those talented people who knows how to dress themselves. I always get excited about those types. I get especially excited when they teach me a thing or two about how to dress myself appropriately as well. As I sit here in neon yellow shorts and sports bra…Back to Sarah. She is about to get hitched to the love of her life (you must read their engagement story) and I couldn’t be more excited for this brunette bombshell.
Sarah, I love ya girl.


Third we have Jessica from Jessica Who? 
Ummm…hello gorgeous. I’m not gonna lie–I always thought I had a pretty good “About” page, but then I read hers and it put mine to shame. You know what else puts me to shame? Her underwater photography session. Think a regular photo session (dressed in cute clothes and all) but under the freaking water. Apparently living in Hawaii has it’s perks. Who knew? Anyhow–learn to love her.
Or hate her. Psssh. As if that’s even possible…
Last but not least, the home of my favorite earrings, Christine Marie Studio.
Remember these bad boys?
Christine made em’. I could go on forever about my love for Christine personally and her jewelry.
If you like high quality, beautiful, vintage looking jewels–look no further. Or look here.
I can promise you one thing–you will not be disappointed in what you order. Promise.
And there you have it. Now if my memory serves me correctly you have three blogs and one shop to go check out. Meaning, get outta here.


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