Have I ever mentioned how much I adore social media?
Translation: Adore=Obsessed.
Apparently having an iPhone helps feed the addiction to all things Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram. Who knew.
However, this past week has not been “my week” on the social media playing field.
Allow me to explain.
For starters, some of you may recall when I tweeted a picture of me and my little lunch date last week.
A sweet reader of mine tweeted back a picture of her precious little baby saying
“this is my every day lunch date…”
To which I goochie goochie gooed over for a couple of minutes and then responded with
“Awww he is so precious!!!”
I then continue on with my life until the next time I checked Twitter.
So 5 minutes later, I see “Haha, thanks! She is actually a girl :)”
All I knew was the baby was cute. Details. Can’t live with em’, can’t live without em’.
Reader, if you are reading—my apologies again. Your baby is seriously the cutest little girl. And she does look like a girl. I am chalking this one up to not having children of my own.
Ones gender guessing ability has to increase after having kids of their own right?
Gosh, I hope.
The second social media mishap took place on Instagram.
How this is possible I don’t even know.
It started with this picture.
And then it went to this.
How I got the bright idea that this woman compared me to a 5 yr old CAT is beyond me.
Literally beyond.
At the time when I discovered what I had said, I didn’t think much of it.
And then late that night I looked at it again and died.
Literally died.
I had tears, stomach pains, and almost falls off of the couch when reading it to my husband.
It was one of those moments where you can’t even speak because you know what you are about to say is so ridiculous.
“I THOUGHT SHE COMPARED ME TO A FREAKIN CAT. WHY?!? WHAT HONESTLY MADE ME THINK SHE SAID A CAT?!?” was what the conversation sounded like at our house at 11 pm Tuesday night.
Followed immediately by more laughter, tears, and leg kicks in the air.
Regardless, I am not stopping my social media kick anytime soon.
To end this lovely little post, I thought it would only be fitting to dump a handful of recent Instagram photos on your butt. That’s what all of the cool “I have Instagram and you don’t” bloggers do I noticed. So why not join it right?
1. The cutest chick with nuts I’ve ever seen.
2. Where I come from…
3. A pretty package that showed up on my doorstep courtesy of Christine Marie Studio.
4. My new mint green toes. Covered in bubbles.
5. The source of the bubbles.
6. Diggin’ a trench a mile long. Or ten feet. Felt like the same.
1. All of my loves. All rolled up into one.
2. Coloring time.
3. Baby Amelia flying in mid-air.
4. Showing off my new necklace from Miss Chic.
5. A Sunday evening stroll..
6. I show no sympathy.
Follow me @livinginyellow.
And then follow me on Facebook here.
And twitter there.
And Pinterest too.
Follow me wherever you want to.
Just not into the shower.
That could get weird in a hurry.