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Sweet Sweet Chicago.

March 26, 2012


Erin Schrader

Gosh, I love that place.
Pretty sure it loves me back because well, me and her. We had a great time.
There are two things that you need to know before I go into this post.

1. No, I did not meet Giuliana like many of you thought I was going to. It was a nice thought, but according to the waitress at RPM Italian {whose name was also Erin. Which made me feel inclined to tell her that I told my husband on St Patricks Day that I said “Kiss me I’m Irish…My name is Erin Go Bragh!” Really? Who tells their waitress that? Apparently I do.}, they were not in town. Let’s face it guys. It was a good thing she wasn’t there. I was too busy shoving orange peels in my mouth and stuffing Mama DePandi’s pasta down my friends throats. Gosh, that pasta was Heavenly.

However, they will be in town on Tuesday. So guess who is going back Tuesday?
But I wish.

2. Many of my pictures turned out a little whacky. I blame this on three things.
-My earrings. Those suckers caused a blur in almost every picture. Apparently my camera and shiny things don’t mesh well.
–My face. You see, it wanted to act really weird at all times in every picture. That face. She has a mind of her own sometimes.

-And last. Some of us didn’t know how to take a picture, but instead knew how to take a video.

So anyhow, I say all of that to apologize for some of the quality of the pictures you may see throughout this post. Do not judge. But instead blame it on my earrings, face, and incompetent friends.

Lets recap this 24 hour trip shall we?

We shall.
It started out a little bit like this. In the backseat of a car. Being mocked by two husbands. Typical.
At least I had all the necessities. Phone. Coffee. Chewed up gum on top of coffee.
After almost throwing the men out the window, we arrived to the hotel safe and sound.

Naturally, I had to take a few snapshots of the room and also do some poses in front of a mirror.

Oh, act like you don’t do it either. Okay you are right. You don’t. Your life is much better off. Trust me.
We then decided it would be a good idea to shop, because how do you not shop in the city? You can’t not do it. So we had to. And shopped we did. In the beautiful fog and rain that decided to make its appearance. Chicago, it’s a good thing you totally redeemed yourself on Sunday with sunshine.
You were about to get smacked. Just sayin.
After spending a whopping $6 on a bracelet, we were done shopping.
This is when the fun began.
We made our way to the restaurant where I proceeded to devour almost every item on the menu. You think I am kidding, but I am not. I am pretty confident our table had something like 10 appetizers? True story. We may have had a cocktail or two as well. Or ten.
I also managed to almost fall three times on the wood floors there. I have grace written all over me. And no friends, this was not because of the cocktails. Sometimes walking in heels and I don’t get along too well. Thank God there was a chair to grab onto as I was about to go down. Thank you to the precious couple who were sitting at the table for not laughing in my face. You are too kind.
After dinner we made our way to one of the sketchiest bars in the city because that’s how we roll.
Complete with our own door opener.
After a few cheers and getting hit on by a “married” man who happened to not be wearing his ring, we decided to move elsewhere. And this is where it got fun yo.
Yes I tore that dance floor up.
Which reminds me, I am tired.

Onto Sunday. Yes, this post may just be the longest ever complete with hundreds of pictures. Sorry about your luck. Back to Sunday. It was beautiful. And there is nothing better than Chicago in the sunshine. Honestly, you need to experience it. Experience it we did.

Really, all I am trying to say is, I love that place.

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