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Self Made Interviews

February 3, 2012


Erin Schrader

Oh hey, It’s Friday.
That means I’m excited.
It’s also gangsta for Hola.
Anyhow, another thing I am excited about today.
Having Little Miss Kerry here.
I love this girl.
Like seriously, I do.
People with big hearts make me want to have a bigger heart.
And this girl does just that.
Today she is here to tell you a little bit about herself.
In an interview that she created all herself.
Thank God I am not the only one who sits around and asks myself questions…
Hello Living In Yellow friends.  
My name is Kerry and I blog over at my life His Mission
 I’m visiting today to share a little bit about myself and my blog. 
 In preparing for this guest post there was a lot that I wanted to say but there was no real overall theme so I decided to interview myself
(I hope that doesn’t seem too lame).  
1.  When did you first start blogging?
I started blogging in March of 2009.  Just a little at first.  I had just returned from a mission trip to Haiti after the earthquake and I think it was kind of like therapy for me.  I was feeling so many emotions and I needed some avenue to express them.  A friend suggested I start blogging and so I did.  
2.  What do you blog about?
A little bit of everything.  I blog about missions, my passion for orphans, crafts, sewing (I love to sew), life with my little girl and other random stuff.  Mondays is Contented Monday (my journey to listing 1000 things that I am grateful for) and Fridays are 5 Favorites This Friday ( a random list of 5 things that interested me or inspired me through the week).  The rest of the days in the week it’s a free for all.  You might get a story about my daughter or an inspirational bible verse or devotional or some crafty project I’ve been working on.
3.  You say you love to sew,
 is there some other craft genre that you are itching to try?
Knitting.  I have tried it before but don’t tend to stick with it for very long.  I am a very impatient crafter.  Even when I sew I want a project that can be completed in a couple of hours.  I would love to be able to knit a hat or a scarf or something but they seem to be much more of a time commitment and I am afraid I would lose interest again.  I am also itching to make a quilt.  I made Alivea a comforter/blanket for her toddler bed a couple of years ago.  It was pretty simple.  Only 9 squares.  But I want to try something harder and more intricate.  But then again I might get bored with that.  I hear quilts take a while.  
4.  What is your favorite city in the US?
Philadelphia.  Hands-down.  I love Philly.  My husband and I went to college on the Main Line right outside of the city and so we lived close for 5 years.  I loved it.  The art museum, cheese stakes from Jim’s (yes I prefer Jim’s to Pat’s- sorry Pat’s fans), South Street, everything.  We talk about visiting often but we haven’t been back in over 3 years.  We still have several friends who live in and around the city and I still love the Philadelphia Eagles.
5.  If you could have any job in the world what would it be?
Well, besides Alivea’s mommy I would have to say that I would love to work in an orphanage in Uganda.  My heart bleeds for orphans.  My daughter was an orphan.  And my heart aches for Uganda.  It’s a country that has experienced and is still experiencing a great deal of turmoil and the children need help.  They need someone to speak for them and to provide for them.  I would love to spend my days rocking babies in an orphanage in Uganda.  That sounds awesome to me.
Me on a mission trip to Kenya in June ’10
6.  You mentioned that your daughter was an orphan. 
 Tell us about that.
Our daughter’s birth mother was young and was in a bad situation and so she made a difficult decision.  She decided to give her daughter life.  Denny and I were matched with her through our adoption agency.  She gave birth to Alivea and never held her.  Denny and I got to meet our daughter when she was less than one day old.  I will never forget that day.  Best day ever!  She was, undoubtedly, the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.  (Except that I thought we had been lied to by our agency because her skin was so light.  I thought someone made a mistake.  We had been told that Alivea’s birth mother and birth father were both African American and Alivea looked Chinese to me.  No one told me that AA children are light when they are born and then their skin darkens. Haha!)


Me holding Alivea for the first time

So there you have it.  Probably more than you ever wanted to know.  
I would love it if you would stop by and visit me at my life His Mission.

 I don’t promise perfection. I just promise real life.
-peace and love
P.S. Thank you so much Erin for allowing me to do this.  
I really love your blog and I love you!
And I love you too 😉
So there you have it friends.
Go visit Kerry and show her loveeeee.
It is February after all, and you know what that means.
Show lots of love.
Come back this weekend for round two of my Blogging Tips.
{Round one can be found…here}
Oh, and if you haven’t entered yet for the humongous giveaway going on,
be sure to do so.
You are only competing amongst roughly 1400 other entries.
No biggie.

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