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January 10, 2012


Erin Schrader

Sometimes, I have nothing come to mind for a blog post.
And most of the time, it leaves me frustrated.
I act like I should have some “topic” to write about all 365 days of the year.
I’m really not that interesting of a person, so why I’ve made that assumption is beyond me?
So today, no topic.
Just thoughts.

1.    I ate the most disgusting thing yesterday for lunch. It was some noodle bowl that claimed to taste like “Roasted Peanuts”.
A more accurate description would be spoiled, tangy milk.

A little misleading there on the “Roasted Peanuts” you little noodle bowl.

2.    Speaking of spoiled sour milk—did you know I never {and I repeat NEVER} drink milk?
It makes me want to throw up just thinking about it.
Now you know how detrimental #1 was to my mental state.

3.    Worship. Do you ever have those beautiful moments where you are gathered among others singing your heart out and your eyes fill with tears because you are so overwhelmed with joy, love, and passion? I do. And it just so happens it happened this past Sunday.
There is nothing like that feeling.

4.    The Bachelor.

Am I sucked in already? Yes. Do I think most of the girls are total nut cases? Yes.
Will I scream and shout during the season Finale? All signs lead to yes.

5.    I should probably mention here who I am rooting for this season so y’all know why I am screaming and shouting in the season finale when he does not choose her:

Team Lindzi.
Get it girl.
6.    I am dying to get away with my lover like asap.
We’re talkin’ somewhere {preferably warm} for 4-5 nights.
Leave me suggestions. And really talk up your suggestions so my husband will read them and think “Ooooh baby, we must go there now.”
Okay, so the chances of the “Ooooh, baby” actually coming out of his mouth are slim to none.
But I’ll settle with the “We must got there now” part.

7.    I’m addicted to caffeine. And green grass. That’s all.

8.    I want to do a Question and Answer session with you guys.
Meaning, you need to ask me questions so that I can answer them.
You can ask anything—Do I like Lima beans, what are my thoughts on children, do I sleep with socks on, you know…all the normal questions you’d ask somebody.
 It will be fun so please, please ask.
 Once I post all those Q&A’s you better believe your name with a link to your blog will be included with your Question.
{Yes, that was me bribing you to ask me a question…}
You may leave the questions in the comments or email me.
My email is livinginyellow@gmail.com.
Drop me a line yo.

9.    I switched up my Advertising options. It’s all about trial and error people.
 I kinda came to the conclusion that I was allowing WAY too many individual guest posts in a months time. And as much as I love other people gracing my blog, I don’t want to be known as that blogger who never actually blogs herself.
 I think those blogs kinda suck. Just sayin.

10.  Sometimes the only thing I want to say to my blog is “Leave me the heck alone
so that I can make a cup of hot tea, grab my snuggie, and cuddle up next to my man on the couch for a few hours.

{Like so. Just minus the little girl and add in my husband. You get the picture.}

One of those times being now.

Peace Out Sweet Peas.

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