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A Real Take On Stress And Anxiety.

January 27, 2012


Erin Schrader

I am rather excited about today’s post.
As you know, I am all for funny, awkward, and awesome posts.
However, I LOVE real, raw, intimate posts even more.
Honesty in blogging is a beautiful thing.
When I read this post–I could totally relate.
I’ve been there.
I’ve dealt with this thing called anxiety.
And continue to still deal with it on occasion.
I remember in the “thick” of my trials–I was grasping for others who were dealing with the same “issues”.
My prayer is that today, this post relates to one of you precious readers.
And that for a brief second, you won’t feel so alone.
Because you aren’t.
You aren’t one little bit….
Oh Lord. 
My brain is completely blank on what I should tell you guys about myself. 

I could go on about the basics of my life but it would sound like I am at an interview. 

I could tell you about what makes me happy on daily basis but you can read that on my blog

So I guess I will step out of my comfort zone and share a secret.
I am a LOVER of Jenny Lawson from The Bloggess.
She is open about her condition of taking anti-depressants and other medications.
I always keep thinking, “How brave“.
There shouldn’t be a shame toward getting better mentally.
 Because when you are embarrassed that you need help from time to time, you aren’t going to be fully whole.  
So {big gulp}… I take Prozac
There. No Shame. Here I am. 

So, basically it all started while I was in college. 
I was eating poorly.
Downing caffeine. 
Barely exercising.
Stressed about every single thing. Bills, classes, work.
 It took a toll on my body.
My stomach was always upset.
Every time I ate, I felt sick.
And I ashamed to say that this went on for years before I finally realized that something wasn’t right. 
 After seeing a tummy doctor he immediately thought my stomach lining was bad.
That I had too much acid and that was making me sick.
So for a year he stuck me on medicine to remedy the problem. 
I was frustrated.
I wasn’t getting any better.
I was closing myself off from friends and family. 
I started becoming a homebody.
I always wanted to be close to home because I always felt sick after eating. 
I was tired of always feeling bad. 
Finally, I HAD ENOUGH. 
This was not how I wanted to live my life and I wanted to be back to old Lauren.
 I went to see the best tummy doctor there is in Orange County. 
I just KNEW this man would know what is happening after a year of meds and nothing was getting better. 
He took ONE look at me and said.
“You are stressed.”
He said he gets patients like me all the time, girls in their 20s, in college, juggling school, life, work, relationships.
Wrecking their body and ignoring the signs. 
The stress in my life had completely shut my body down. He suggested that I started talking to a therapist.
I never thought that  therapist would help me with something as trivial as anxiety and stress. 
I was at a breaking point in my mid-twenties. 
I needed help.
Mind blown. 
It was life changing. 
After seeing my therapist I began taking Prozac while taking the steps on breaking out of my shell.
That is the most important part. I didn’t stick a band-aid on the situation.
 I forced myself to be in situations that would normally stress me out and bring out my anxiety.
Slowly but surely, I was becoming Lauren again. 
I wanted to go out and see friends again.
 I wanted to travel again.
 It felt great to be able to do those things. 
Now with the help of Prozac I feel free.
 The best part?
My mom cried when she saw me after a couple of months of being on the medicine. 
I was ME again.
So the moral of this story, and I hope you don’t judge me, is
Please, if you are struggling with daily life.
Feeling anxious about going to work, going to school, your relationships?
 Talk to someone.
Therapists are there to help.
And they do.
If you can’t get to a therapist, talk to a trusted friend or family member.
I wish I didn’t ignore the signs my body was trying to tell me.
I wish I never got so far as this, but I am here to tell you…never be ashamed about asking for help. 
So that’s my secret. 
I love you all and I am glad I was able to share that with you. 
Please visit Pink on the Cheek to see about daily life of Lauren and say HI!!

Comments have been turned off for the day folks.
This means you can head directly over to Lauren’s blog so you can thank her for her bravery and honesty.
Happy Weekend Beauties.
I am off to eat entirely waaaaaaay too many Girl Scout cookies and whatever else tickles my fancy.
Diet what?

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