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So I Spill Things…A Lot {And Other Weekend Activities}

November 7, 2011


Erin Schrader

Welp, it is that time of the week again…
The inevitable day we never seem to avoid..Monday.
With it being Monday and all, I find it necessary to recap my weekend festivities.
If you find this unnecessary and unimportant to your life,
please exit this blog immediately.
Good, now that those who are important remain…lets begin 🙂
1. Let me share with you how my Friday evening started out:
No, I did not murder my husband.
{The thought only crossed my mind…twice. Kidding}
I spilled a full glass of sparking fall wine all over the carpet..in our master bedroom none the less.
Naturally, I ran to the kitchen to grab my camera first.
{I love my gut instincts}
Then my husband proceeded to get all huffy and puffy on me and tell me I am never drinking wine over carpet again.
We like to play pretend that I am 5 years old sometimes in this household 🙂
Good thing my husband is a carpet cleaning genius.
He worked his magic and all is well.
And I snuck a glass of wine with me into a different room..with carpet.
2. Speaking of spilling, I started drinking Sparkling Water this week.
I thought it made me look cool, I am not gonna lie.
And because I will do anything to look cool, I bought one of those fancy Pellegrino bottles to look like a local celebrity.
Well after realizing paying $1.50 for a bottle water is a little pricey,
 I downgraded to a supermarket brand plastic two liter bottle.
89 cents baby.
Except little did I know that Sparkling Water means carbonated water, which means it will explode when you open it depending on how well you handled the bottle prior to popping the top.
{Again, reached for the camera before the towel…}
Needless to say I am completely over drinking Sparkling Water.
I would rather keep my computer in working order, thank you.
3. In between my spills I started reading a new book.
Get it while it’s hot..
It is a freakin’ riot.
And I don’t even say riot.
She cracks my bones up somethin’ fierce.
4. I got to see two of the cutest little nuggets this weekend
{and no, they aren’t from Chick-fil-a}
Check out my nephew & niece y’all.
{No, I did not just have my wisdom teeth pulled out..I would like to say I have candy stuck in both cheeks, but I don’t. I’ve just blown up apparently.}
And….I’m love struck.
{I may or may not have told my nephew he would get candy for posing for these pictures…
To his parents: My dearest apologies. Look how good he did though ;)…}
5. I listed our basement furniture for sale on Facebook yesterday…
and it sold yesterday.
Bada Bing Bada Boom
Finally, Facebook has done something good for my life.
I will refrain from saying that my husband told me not to list it on Facebook because it wouldn’t sell.
That would be like rubbing it in his face that I was right.
And I would never do that….
Once we pick out our giant cozy sectional, you are all invited over to break it in.
6. Last but not least, I am obsessed with this song at the moment.
And because I think you should be too–here you go.
I love it so much I was belting it throughout the grocery store yesterday.
I also got scolded for that.
{I would be so much cooler if I didn’t have a sidekick sometimes…}
Love you baby 😉
PS. I spotted this in Lowes yesterday
{I say spotted like it isn’t 12 Feet tall..}
If you or anybody you know purchases this, please tell me.
I just want to know if there really are people that crazy out there who exist.
Go have yourselves a Happy Monday mmmmk?
Peace out youngin’s.

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