If you ever think that I have my life together, please reference this picture for an accurate portrayal of what my insides feel like 24/7. A lot a bit disheveled, a little bit soggy, confused, but up for whatever may be headed my way. Because I believe the internet doesn’t get to know the girl behind LIY much anymore [not in the way the internet used to know me, believe me, 🙈] I thought it would be fun to do a little Q&A. You asked and I’m answering. From serious questions to random stuff you don’t need to know, but spoiler alert: will now know. Are you ready to dive in? Get your flippers on and let’s go…it’s time to make a splash 💦
Q: Do you have kids or are you planning to have kids?
A: Girlfriend, I wish I knew. It’s a question I ask myself more times than I should without having a clear answer. I’m hoping my therapist can help me sort this one out at some point, but for now, the clear answer is I don’t know. I would like to believe that yes, at some point we will, but at some point is quickly turning into me being 60 it feels like so the pressure to figure out what this department in my life is going to look like is mounting. If all else fails, I’ll do what I always do when trying to make a decision..flip a quarter.
Q: How old are you?
A: 35! I’m hoping the Botox I recently got for the first time freezes me here forever 😉
Q: What are your best productivity tips?
A: To not ask Erin [hi, me!] for them. I swear I’m a monkey born into a human body [same amount of hair, just a different face with the same distracted brain a monkey seems to have]. For me, I have found a few things to help me get into a focused state: AirPods to keep outside noises at bay, camping out a coffee shop, not drinking caffeine, and staying in my pajamas and unshowered for as long as possible. The minute I have makeup on my face and real clothes on my body I want to leave the house which usually means neglecting whatever it is I am “supposed” to be doing and frolicking around Target buying unnecessary purchases that my husband likes to roll his eyes at.
Q: Favorite electric toothbrush?
A: The only kind that I have ever tried, this guy! I should have known all along that I’d love something that vibrates in my mouth…. moving on.
Q: Did you have a job before you started LIY?
A: Put an “s” on the end of that word [jobs] and the answer would be why yes, yes I did. I’ve always been a worker with my favorites being working at a local hotel at the reception desk [I legit cried when I got sick and had to miss] and being a teller at a local credit union. When I decided to make blogging my full-time career, I was working in the marketing department for a credit union and also working as a Project Manager for an online marketing agency. Leaving my jobs to blog full-time was one of the most emotional decisions I’ve ever made. Most of the time I think it was the right choice, some of the time I don’t. I miss being somewhere with people around constantly so I’m still working through that adjustment, 4 years later…
Q: Your hair has been looking so healthy and shiny – what have you been using?
A: Wellllll thank you for noticing! Around a month ago I started taking these gummies that I purchased in the Anniversary Sale after experiencing so much hair loss due to stress or COVID [or heck, both] recently. My hair also needed some help in the breakage department so I thought I’d give these a shot. After I completed my first bottle [I take 2/day] I assessed my hair situation and I was shocked with the results. The hair that was damaged or broken had grown out significantly, it has felt healthier, looks shinier and well, I love my hair a lot more than I did a month ago.

Q: Have you always been into shopping?
A: As a kid, yes, I remember taking all of the quarters I could find in my parents change jar in their bedroom, going to the mall with $47 or something like that [yes in quarters] and buying 9 shirts and being so excited about it [more is more has always been my motto ;)] but honestly, I don’t love shopping the way that some may think I do [at least for clothes, home purchases, and any food or beverage shopping gets me all kinds of pumped up]. Do I shop for clothes all of the time because of my job? Yes. But would I shop as much if this wasn’t my job? Lord, I hope not.
Q: What’s your go-to snack?
A: Chips, always chips. Whether it be Pringles, tortilla chips with microwaved cheese on top, Dorito’s Spicy Sweet Chili [TELL ME YOU HAVE HAD THEM], basically anything that I can put in my mouth that is going to crunch and has a lot of calories with zero nutritional value, that is my go-to snack.
Q: How do you balance how much you share? Does criticism scare you off from sharing things?
A: I’m naturally an over-sharer of things, especially back in the beginning days of blogging. There isn’t much I hold back on talking about with people in my life and I’ve apparently always viewed the internet that is full of total strangers as “people in my life”, so there’s that. However, I will say over the past couple of years I have unintentionally become a more edited version of myself online and I would have to say that much of that has to be because of criticism or fear of upsetting somebody, having something I say to be taken out of context, etc. Showing up on the internet is a heck of a lot harder than I once felt like it was [similar to how being a human is a lot harder so it seems] so yes, I feel like I have enjoyed my job as a blogger less than I did several years ago and that sucks.
Q: Where is your next trip?
A: We are traveling out East next week! Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket, Boston, Gloucester, Cape Neddick, Maine and more! I can’t wait! I’ve never been out there so I am so excited to explore all of these new to me areas.
Do you have more questions you’d like to ask? Drop ’em in the comments below and I’ll get to it on our next round of Q&A..anything goes 😉