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Our Newest Project // Log Cabin Shenanigans

April 24, 2018


Life is boring without any all-consuming projects going on…or at least that’s apparently how Shawn and my subconscious feels. If you’ve been following along on Instagram stories, you know my life has been somewhat consumed recently by making decisions for our newest project and adventure, the log cabin that we recently purchased. I started receiving all sorts of questions pertaining to the cabin and realized that I never did a good job of “formally” introducing this home to all of you and the purpose behind it. No better time than now to answer some of those questions, right? Before I answer some of the questions I’ve been getting asked, let me give you the backstory.

It all starts with my grandpa who left this earth a few years ago – he was a farmer for all of his adult life who worked tirelessly on 400 acres of farmland that he and my grandmother lived on. My uncle helped farm and owned a portion of the land and twenty+ years ago, he and my aunt built their dream home, a log cabin, on some of the farmland. Growing up, I was always so excited if we were able to have a family gathering at the cabin, the grandness of the high living room ceilings, the giant windows and of course – the property that it sat on all made my heart beat just a little bit faster. From an early age, it quickly became MY dream home.

Fast forward to where we are now – after years and years of maintaining and keeping up this beautiful property, my aunt and uncle decided that it may be time to sell. It just so turns out that Shawn and I had started rolling around the idea of investing in a permanent office for Living In Yellow and we are always keeping an open mind to possible investments [land being the best option]. Well, as you may recall, we were renting an office space in an old building for myself and the LIY team to work out of over the past year. Additionally, our house was becoming FLOODED with clothing [it turns out that when your job becomes purchasing new clothes and shoes and you return close to nothing, things start to pile up quite quickly] so the need for more space was becoming quite evident. There was so much nostalgia sitting inside and outside of this cabin, but never did I think that this place would become a cabin that we would call ours. Fortunately, it somehow all worked out and came together and low and behold, we are now the official owners of my childhood dream home. It’s crazy how life can work in a full circle sometimes. I absolutely love that we are able to own farmland that once belonged to my grandpa [and can see my grandparents farmhouse from the property]. I can only imagine how excited he would be to know that it was kept in the family. Now that we got that little story out of the way, let’s dive into the questions we’ve been receiving!

  1. “Are you moving permanently into this home?” No. We are staying in our home as this cabin’s main purpose is for the office, business retreats, etc, however, I’m sure we will be staying there occasionally [winter will be magical in this space]! Can you even imagine the size of the Christmas tree we can put in this living room? Whoa, baby.
  2. “Is the cabin far from your home?” The best part about purchasing this property is that it’s not even 15 minutes from our home. This makes going back and forth between the two super easy [hence why you see me in both places often on IG stories]! I love that while it’s so close to where we live, it is totally different feel. Between the pond out front and the acres and acres of cornfields surrounding us, it’s nothing like our home.
  3. “Are you doing a lot of renovations to the cabin?” We certainly have a lot of projects up our sleeves – what all, I don’t know yet, but to begin with, we did refinish the floors as they had changed colors over the past twenty years. We went with one part Early American and one part Natural for the stain and topped it off with a matte finish…I present you the finished floors! 

Now that the floors are done, we are focusing on the barn which will be used primarily for photo shoots, video shooting, steaming clothing, where returns can happen and all of the storage imaginable. We are focusing on painting and bringing in new light fixtures for now! Here is was right before the paint got started… 

And where it stands as of today [still finishing up some trim work in the doorways] and will be tackling the bottom portion of the walls with the same Iron Oar color from Sherwin Williams which I love..

After that’s done we will be painting in the house, tackling the kitchen and the list goes on… 

5. “Will you be sharing before and after reveals along the way?” Absolutely. The most fun part of doing the renovations is sharing it with all of you! As rooms get complete, I will do a blog post for each area with all of the details on what we did and photos upon photos. Stay tuned for that fun!

If you have any other questions be sure to ask below and I’ll answer! I can’t wait to go on this journey together and make this cabin everything we want and more! Here we go….

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