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Currently I’m….

January 15, 2018


Oh hey, that’s me. Currently chillin’ with chunky socks, slippers [always a good look], staring at my mug full of coffee [my mug is LYING to you] and a tray full of Caramel DeLites just screaming at me to eat them. You could say I don’t hate the current situation. It’s been awhile since I’ve done one of these posts and in my quest to post more personal posts this year, I figured this was a good place to start. Let the games begin….

Currently I’m…

Making // pot roast in the crockpot express [think instant pot] as an experiment to test this whole pressure cooker business. I still don’t know if I trust it or love it, but based on the things I’ve tasted that come out of that magic worker, I’m going to go with love.

Listening to // Old Dominion. Also known as one of the only artists on repeat these days, or you know, the past six months. It’s either Old D or Ed Sheeran. Hoping to purchase the T.Swift CD one of these days and start memorizing that stuff. 2018, the year of big things.

Wishing // I was doing The Cupid Shuffle. There’s just not enough shufflin’ happening these days, ya know? Here’s a fun fact: when I used to work at a bank years ago, I would make the other bank tellers join me in a little cupid shuffle every Friday morning. I should have known then my life was destined for great things #sarcasm.

Eating // I’ll give you one guess. Starts with a c and ends with an e and has the word “ooki” in the middle. And it’s dang good, thank you very much.

Withholding // The above sentence from my girlfriend who’s been pushing me in the gym every morning and encouraging my daily meals/snacks. Some things are just better left unsaid, amen?

Ignoring // The dryer that just went off. Laundry can be so overrated sometimes. Here’s an idea clothes, go fold yourself. K, thanks, bye.

Excited for // MY NEXT HAIR APPOINTMENT. The past six months or so have been rough when it’s come to my mane. First, with losing so much of it during the summer thanks to stress and now, all of the re-growth that makes me look like I have a giant bowl all around my head. I can’t even explain it properly so you know what, I’m going to show you this. And in one year from now I will look back and cringe that I ever disclosed such a sight, but you know what, we’re all human here right? Please note the bangs that I didn’t ask for. Those are my favorite. Oh, and yes, I use Monat so please don’t ask if I want to try it. Literally, nothing can help tame this beast right now. I might have used the wrinkle remover editing feature under my eyes, but that detail is neither here nor there. DO YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN ABOUT THE NICE BOWL SITTING ATOP MY HEAD? It starts a little past my eyebrows and just makes a nice circle around the whole thing. Long story short, I found a local hair specialist who does natural beaded extensions and color. The hope is to maybe make my hair look one length again and have the color all blend and be a little more natural. The good news is I have the most important photo shoot of my life happening in just a few weeks. Not freaking out, no worries. Lie. I am freaking out. And need an upper lip wax. Noted.

Grateful for // Makeup. Without it, this blog would look like the photo above and well, I don’t think this blog would exist if that was the case. Basically, I owe makeup for my career, husband, friends, well-being and every other good thing in my life.

Getting sidetracked by // This blog. I just keep losing myself in it. Why is it so pretty? Why does she have her crap together? I give myself a gold star if I make it through a sentence without a typo. This is a goldmine of content that a full-time blogger should write. And then here I am slapping up iPhone pics of jeans tucked into socks. Next year I’ll do better.

Dreaming about // CHEESE. Gosh, I love you cheese.

Saying thank you to // My husband for tending to the dryer that won’t shut up. Bless you, husband. Socks, top right drawer, thank you.

Leaving this post because // The timer on the crockpot is up! Time to release the steam baby. If this thing blows up in my face I’m going to be one irritated woman without a pot roast to eat tonight. Thank goodness for Girl Scout Cookies, they never fail.

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