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Love, Yellow // Bright, Bold and Beautiful

June 6, 2016


First of all, my apologies for sucking so hard [that just sounds so inappropriate] at this whole blogging thing the last two weeks or so. I think it was the whole staying up until 3 am to complete the last post I published that did me in for a solid few days. I don’t operate well under little sleep and if we’re being honest, I have a hard enough time forming grammatically correct sentences fully rested. Life’s hard, spelling included.

Long story short, I promise to end my sucking streak this week, starting right now with June’s grand Love, Yellow reveal. This month we wanted something with colors that are perfect for summer and well, we found so much color that we couldn’t choose what we liked best. Being the women that we are, we decided “the heck with choosing one! lets offer both!” so suuuuuuurprise, you get to choose!

This cute floral dress in either white or blue + a coral bracelet that looks bombshell with either dress, a mighty fine winning combination in my personal opinion.

This dress is quite uncomplicated as you just throw on a strapless bra and you’re ready to roll. I should clarify – throw on a strapless bra and then put the dress over top, unless you’re into nudity and that type of thing. No judgement here friends. You know how I feel about easy by now and this dress passes the zero effort test. I also love that it can be paired with heels for a dressier option or worn more casually with cute little sandals or wedges.


About that bracelet though – this gem is a real beauty and again, looks perfect with whichever dress you choose.

Exciting right? And how fun that you have your choice of color this month – unless choosing just isn’t your thing and you decide to go with both, can’t say I blame you 😉 Below are all of the ordering details – remember to act fast because they will sell out quickly! If you have any questions drop your comment below and I’ll be sure to respond here.



1. Pricing is easy–it’s $48 for both pieces [dress and bracelet]! Your choice of white or blue dress!

2. As far as sizing goes, you can view the size chart here. I am typically a size small and am wearing a size small in this top. Amy is typically a size medium and is wearing a medium. I would suggest that if you go between sizes, size down one!
3. You have now through Friday to place your orderLimited quantities are available so you will want to order soon to ensure you receive your size! 
4. Your order will be shipped within three business days.
5. Remember that if you receive the items and aren’t happy with your order, you can ship all or part of it back! Instructions will be included in your order.
6. Spread the word about your Love, Yellow items! Tweet, Instagram, put it up on a billboard, whatever you feel is necessary 😉 Please use the #LoveYellowLook hashtag so that I can be sure to send a thousand kissy faces your way for doing so!
7. Order now 🙂
Curious to hear which color you prefer – white or blue, tell me below!

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