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Weekly Goals And Why I Can’t Have A Kid

August 24, 2015


Erin Schrader

weekend snapshots :: my friends are cute, my friends kids are cute, my husband is cute, and my new clothes are cute. basically it was cute. if you didn’t catch that link for the floral shirt, here you are 😉

Ahhhhh, Monday morning. As much as I know I am supposed to hate it, it’s always one of my favorite times of the week. Fortunately I don’t head into work until the afternoon [more on that in a Q&A post coming soon] so I have the first several hours of every new week to sort things out, get a wrap on what’s going on, do some laundry [every girls dream, I know] and just slowly ease into the busy-ness that’s bound to come. I would highly recommend to every person out there to turn in a request to your boss this morning demanding to have Monday mornings off from now on. Blame it on Living In Yellow, they’ll understand.

With the turn of this week I’ve got all these goals I want to accomplish. Basically they equate to: 
1. Drink more warm lemon water so I can actually go to the bathroom from time to time. See here
2. Complete an 8 minute workout every day. I know that sounds like a walk in the park BUT supposedly it will kick my asterisk. That would be long for ass for those of us who don’t say those words but rather use elementary terms because we are afraid our parents will scold us for cursing online. My friend at work [hi Allison! thanks Allison!] introduced me to this app DailyFit <— download it now, it comes with a free 25 day workout that is made up of workouts that are 10 minutes or less. Basically I need something that is excuse free and I figured this could be it. Not that I would ever make an excuse as to why I couldn’t work out*.

3. Not eat crap. 
Unfortunately I’m about to fail at number 3 because Scotcharoos are staring at my face and they are being all annoying begging me to eat them so I HAVE to. On the bright side they only have 1 cup of sugar in them so we should be okay. 
Moving on – the weekend. It was a good one that’s for sure. A little bit of crazy mixed in with a little bit of boredom. I did learn something however in that stretch of doing nothing! I learned that you shouldn’t ask your husband if he is bored while trying to fix a water leak [while you are sitting on the couch]. “BORED?!?” will be something like how the response goes. Men. 
We entertained friends both Friday night and Saturday night which was fun. So fun we lit our kitchen up in flames making peach flambe. That would be me being dramatic…nothing besides the pan it was cooking in was up in flames, it just sounded like a better story. 

Somewhere along the lines I also learned that we couldn’t have a child even if we wanted to. You see, we have no room in our refrigerator. I know that sounds slightly selfish that we couldn’t make room for our toddler to store a few jars of applesauce but it’s a real problem and something you have to take into account when life planning. I mean sure, we could have their food out in the garage fridge but that seems a little harsh to make them walk out during the middle of the Winter to fetch their string cheese. So I guess we better just keep practicing abstinence. 

I think this concludes today’s blog post. Come back tomorrow for lots of other beneficial information – like “how to drink wine!” and “why you should pile ice cream on top of pound cake and then cover it in peanut butter syrup!” 

*my favorite sports bra is in the wash so I’m not sure if that whole working out thing will happen today. 
ps. A Scotcharoo was consumed during the writing of this post. It’s okay though guys, my lemon water is working its magic so it’s like it never even happened. toodles. 

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